Dairy News appears in each of the 15 issues of Hoard's Dairyman. It details market prices and dairy industry happenings.

Nov. 8 2016
As printed in our November 2016 issue . . .FOUR-FIFTHS OF NEW MILK came from five states when evaluating September output — Wisconsin grew by 79 million pounds; Idaho, 57 million; New York, 56
Oct. 25 2016
As printed in our October 25, 2016 issue . . .A $16 ALL-MILK PRICE represented USDA’s latest projection for 2017 milk with a range from $15.55 to $16.45 per hundredweight. Those price levels w
Oct. 10 2016
A STRONG GRAIN HARVEST could be in store, USDA estimated. A record 15 billion bushels of corn, with yields at 174.4 bushels per acre, could come from fields this fall. That would be up 11 percencorey
Sept. 25 2016
As printed in our September 25, 2016 issue... AMERICANS HAVE BEEN EATING MORE DAIRY than anytime since the 1960s. At 627 pounds of dairy products per capita (on a milk equivalent basis), dairy food intake...
Sept. 10 2016
As printed in our September 10, 2016 issue... SOME 11 MILLION POUNDS OF CHEESE will be purchased by USDA from private inventories and dispersed to food banks. The purchase, valued at $20 million, will...
Sept. 1 2016
As printed in our August 25, 2016 issue... OVER $11 MILLION WENT TO DAIRY FARMERS for May-June milk production under the Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy). This represented the first substantial payments...
Aug. 25 2016
As printed in our August 10, 2016 issue... LESS IN THE WEST, more in the Midwest . . . that reoccurring milk production theme continued in June. California milk flow slid 2.8 percent; Washington, -0.9...
Aug. 10 2016
As printed in our July 2016 issue... WE MAY HAVE HIT THE BOTTOM of the milk-price trough, suggested the University of Wisconsin's Mark Stephenson and Bob Cropp. There has been a strong rebound in projected...
July 15 2016
As printed in our June 2016 issue... VITAMIN D AND POTASSIUM will be added to FDA's updated Nutrition Facts Panel. In replacing vitamins A and C, vitamin D and potassium joined calcium and iron as under-consumed...
May 25 2016
As printed in our May 25, 2016 issue... MILK PRICE RECOVERY could take longer than originally projected by some analysts. Prospects have dimmed due to growing product inventories and continued low oil...
May 10 2016
As printed in our May 10, 2016 issue... THE $15.25 ALL-MILK PRICE FORECAST by USDA economists for 2016 has held steady for the past two months. If milk production continues to show strong gains and exports...
April 25 2016
As printed in our April 25, 2016 issue... MILK MARGINS COULD SHRINK further, reported NMPF analysts. After spending the final third of 2015 well above the Margin Protection Program's (MPP-Dairy) payout...
April 21 2016
As printed in our April 10, 2016 issue... STRONG DOMESTIC SALES have kept U.S. milk prices ahead of other dairy export countries. Domestic consumption, measured by USDA's commercial disappearance figure,...
April 5 2016
As printed in our March 25, 2016 issue... A $15.25 ALL-MILK PRICE represented USDA's latest 2016 price forecast. Since last May, economists have lowered the projection by $2.70 per cwt. JANUARY MILK FELL...
March 10 2016
As printed in our March 10, 2016 issue... USDA BECAME MORE CAUTIOUS lowering its 2016 All-Milk price estimate to $15.65 per hundredweight. The agency's projections have fallen steadily from last May's...
Feb. 17 2016
As printed in our February 25, 2016 issue... MILK PRICE RECOVERY could come in 2016, but still may be some way off, projected Rabobank's Kevin Bellamy. "Some on our team are concerned that we will not...
Feb. 17 2016
As printed in our February 10, 2016 issue... MILK PRICES CONTINUE TO ERODE as Class III futures for February to July dropped $1.25 on average since early December trading. The March contract of $13.66...
Feb. 2 2016
As printed in our January 25, 2016 issue... CLASS III FUTURES FELL OVER $1 per hundredweight for February to July contracts in December-to-early-January trading. Growing global dairy product inventories...
Jan. 14 2016
As printed in our January 10, 2016 issue... BUTTER PRICES HAVE BEEN MELTING despite strong demand. From December 9 to 15, spot butter fell from $2.79 to $2.07 per pound. Even so, those values were well...
Jan. 5 2016
As printed in our December 2015 issue... CLASS III FUTURES FELL BY $1.60 for December to May contracts since June trading. With a $14.90 average for the six-month window, half of the price reduction in...