Dairy News appears in each of the 15 issues of Hoard's Dairyman. It details market prices and dairy industry happenings.

Nov. 15 2017
As printed in our November 2017 issue . . . FOR 45 STRAIGHT MONTHS, U.S. MILK FLOW has expanded. Overall, 17 of the 23 major dairy states produced more milk in September with Texas up 10 percent
Oct. 25 2017
A NEW MILK PRICE CYCLE COULD BEGIN early next year, predicted the IFCN Dairy Research Network and its dairy economists located in 95 countries
Sept. 20 2017
As printed in our September 25, 2017 issue . . . DAIRY PRODUCT CONSUMPTION CLIMBED to 646 pounds for every U.S. citizen . . . based on a milk equivalent, milkfat basis scale. Over the pas
Sept. 10 2017
FDA APPROVED USING ULTRAFILTERED MILK to manufacture standardized cheeses. The approval process took nearly two decades for the product that has been filtered to remove some of the water and lactose
Aug. 21 2017
As printed in our August 25, 2017 issue . . .BUTTERFAT PRICES SURGED to $2.95 per pound this July, reported Federal Milk Marketing Order administrators
Aug. 10 2017
As printed in our August 10, 2017 issue . . .CLASS III FUTURES HELD STEADY shifting only 25 cents during early to late July trading on the CME. August to December contracts averaged $16.85 at the maga
July 15 2017
As printed in our July 2017 issue . . .WISCONSIN, MICHIGAN, AND NEW YORK accounted for 44 percent of the nation’s milk growth from 2010 to 2016. Wisconsin climbed 4.1 billion pounds or 10.2 percent
June 15 2017
As printed in our June 2017 issue . . .CLASS III FUTURES CLIMBED 15 CENTS during early April to late May trading to average $16.90 per cwt. for the remainder of 2017
May 12 2017
As printed in our April 25, 2017 issue . . .CLASS III FUTURES SHOWED IMPROVEMENT, climbing by 30 cents from late-April to mid-May trading. At a $16.45 average for the remainder of the year, September�
May 10 2017
THE DAIRY TRADE DISPUTE between the U.S. and Canada continues to garner national and international headlines with New Zealand and Australia now joining the U.S. in challenging Canada’s new tar
April 25 2017
As printed in our April 25, 2017 issue . . .SOME U.S. PROCESSORS SHED PATRONS after Canadian authorities shut down market access to ultra-filtered milk sales. According to a February 24, 2017, B
April 10 2017
As printed in our March 25, 2017 issue . . .AT A $16 AVERAGE, remaining 2016 Class III futures retreated $1.50 per hundredweight from mid-February to final March trading activity. Contracts ranged fro
March 25 2017
As printed in our March 25, 2017 issue . . .CLASS III FUTURES RETREATED $1 per hundredweight from mid-February to mid-March trading
March 10 2017
A PROPOSED FEDERAL ORDER IN CALIFORNIA came one step closer to reality when USDA released its “Recommended Decision” on February 14
Feb. 25 2017
As printed in our February 25, 2017 issue . . .USDA ECONOMISTS RECONFIRMED their All-Milk price forecast for the year at $18.05, up just a nickel from January. Range was from $17.70 to $18.40
Feb. 10 2017
As printed in our February 10, 2017 issue . . . POSITIVE PRICE PROSPECTS continued as USDA economists moved the All-Milk price forecast up 75 cents in January to an $18 midpoint for 2017. W
Jan. 25 2017
As printed in our January 25, 2017 issue . . . REFLECTING CONSUMER DEMAND FOR GOOD FATS, milkfat has been contributing a larger proportion to milk checks. Between January 2000 and August 2015, mi
Jan. 10 2017
As printed in our January 10, 2017 issue . . .TWO CO-OPS PLAN TO MERGE and form the nation’s No. 12 dairy cooperative when ranked by member milk. Under terms of the agreement, Prairie Farms of Carli
Dec. 15 2016
As printed in our December 2016 issue . . .TIGHT LABOR SUPPLIES have placed a burden on some dairies. In November, the jobless rate fell to a nine-year low of 4.6 percent. Overall, 15 million jobs hav
Nov. 8 2016
As printed in our November 2016 issue . . .FOUR-FIFTHS OF NEW MILK came from five states when evaluating September output — Wisconsin grew by 79 million pounds; Idaho, 57 million; New York, 56