All Guest Blogs are provided to Hoard’s Dairyman by members of the dairy industry. Content is created and owned by the organizations that submit them.
Sept. 18 2023
Datamars Livestock, a trailblazer in the field of Smart Farming, is leading the charge with a suite of cutting-edge solutions that are transforming the way farmers manage their livestock
Sept. 11 2023
Sand is widely regarded as the best bedding for dairy cows. But not all sand is created equally. Sand is available in a range of particle sizes for a variety of different uses
Sept. 1 2023
Several years ago, Tony Louters was on a hunt
Aug. 24 2023
Dairy-beef crossbreeding can introduce a value-added revenue stream for producers and help meet the needs of a high-demand beef market
Aug. 17 2023
Dairy’s data-driven technological revolution opens new and exciting opportunities in cow care and labor efficiency
Aug. 7 2023
With much of the Midwest facing limited rainfall and dry conditions, expected forage yield and forage inventories are an area of concern
July 26 2023
While a 20% pregnancy rate was once the standard goal, that is not the case today
July 20 2023
Heat in the summer is a given, which means decreases in milk production and dry matter intake will usually follow
July 13 2023
Heifers are one of the most valuable assets for a dairy operation. They are the milking herd's future and ultimately determine your business' profitability and longevity
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July 10 2023
Swimming in data? You’re not alone. Whether it’s data from your herd management software, milk testing, parlor or milking robot, or other technologies you use, today’s dairies are inundated...
July 3 2023
Recently, I heard a country song in which an old man provides counsel to “buy dirt.” While a song isn’t a source of financial advice, it does highlight the feeling that many producers...
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June 20 2023
With the opportunity to capitalize on the record low native beef herd numbers and the growing demand for high-quality beef, dairy-beef crossbred cattle producers can benefit from taking a second look at...
June 19 2023
“Just because something is common doesn’t mean it is normal.” While transition health events are common in dairy cattle today, it doesn’t mean that this must be our normal in the...
Aug. 5 2019
World Dairy Expo 2019 is just around the corner and soon attendees and exhibitors will be collecting ‘Tools for Dairy’s Progress’ during the annual event