"Despite years of research, we still have sick cows," noted Nina von Keyserlingk, University of British Columbia, at the 2012 Herd Health and Nutrition Conference in Syracuse N.Y. Even with the herd health...
Ignorance on food processing bruises producers, processors, and people.by Hoard's Dairyman staff Recent media hype, by a select few, has drawn an outcry of attention to food safety concerns – concerns...
USDA's pilot insurance project can provide insights into producer's demand for different levels of margin protection and the price they are willing to pay. Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy Cattle (LGM-D)...
USDA's pilot insurance project can provide insights into producer's demand for different levels of margin protection and the price they are willing to pay
Well-spoken young professionals, both producers and allied industry, participated in leadership training in Albuquerque, N.M. They were exposed to break-out sessions, media training, and a panel discussion...
Travel the I-29 corridor in eastern South Dakota and you will have found the heart of the state's population. Intermingled along this same stretch of land are the vast majority of the state's dairy cattle...
Some good news came at year's end as Capitol Hill allowed two key ethanol subsidies to expire. That decision could have eased corn and soybean prices were it not for the 15.2-billion-gallon Renewable Fuel...
Local food is the new "sustainability" trend. Walk into any upscale restaurant and there's a good chance that the menu will be awash with proud proclamations of food sourced from local producers
Decisions made at the farm and processing level make a difference.When discussing going green, I am not referring to pasture-based dairies or profit. Rather, I'm looking at the processing side of producing...
Most of us have a warm comfortable home to go to when our days are done, an even greater blessing in winter. But, this holiday season, have we given our cows the gift of a comfortable environment?
Changes in the Foundation for the Future (FFTF) initiative as shown in The Dairy Security Act of 2011 (HR 3062the Peterson-Simpson bill) represent another positive step toward significant and long-overdue...
The Secretary of Labor, under the Fair Labor Standards Act, is charged with prohibiting employment of youth in occupations that she deems particularly hazardous. The current target, as they propose to...
Whether you work with bulls every day or once a year, remember to be cautious. We all know someone affected by an encounter with a dairy bull. These encounters don't end well for anyone involved and could...
More adventures from the student working on a Tasmanian dairy. Here in Tasmania, I have been blessed with one-on-one contact with some of Australia's native wildlife. I was introduced to the wallaby as...
As we assess the entire Foundation for the Future (FFTF) policy package, among many other things, we wanted to know how it would affect our business and yours. Since we wanted to use actual numbers, we...
National Dairy Shrine will name our very own Steven Larson the 2011 Guest of Honor. The Guest of Honor is the highest award from the National Dairy Shrine. This award goes to an individual who has had...
Every day a milk truck comes to Shoestring Dairy. We exchange our normal "G'day Mate," then the friendly man hooks up the hose and pumps our cows' hard work from our tank into the truck. He prints off...
We are globally connected. The earthquake, tsunami, and pending nuclear crisis in Japan have reminded us of that. We first need to reflect and be thankful for our own families and loved ones as we watch...
The financial divide stands at nearly $3.8 billion. That is a substantial pay gap when it comes to milk checks for the nation's dairy producers during 2009. In a study released in late January, Informa...
Connie Tipton and Jerry Kozak shared the stage at Dairy Forum as they discussed and at times debated dairy policy. Future dairy policy was a prevailing theme during presentations and in hallway dialogue...