If you entered this year’s Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest but didn’t see your name on the winners' lists in our May issue, don’t beat yourself up too badly
I was once told by a vet, “The scours didn't kill your calf, you did.” I was completely appalled at the fact that he had just accused me of letting my calf die
I didn’t grow up wanting to be a farmer. I resented being the farm kid. I couldn’t go to friend’s houses after school because there were calves to feed
The other night, our robotic milkers called 36 times with one alarm or another. My dad got an early start on morning milking simply because he had been up since 11 p.m. the night prior tending to the robots
Last Friday, I received a call that I had been anticipating, but nonetheless, it was still hard to hear. I got the news that my beloved friend, Joe Lyon, died at the age of 92
The world is a weird place filled with uncertainty. Last year illustrated this, but sadly we were only a handful of days into the new year when 2021 documented this, too
It’s no secret that more and more farmers are feeling the call to share their lives on social media. As one of those farmers, I say it’s a calling that you eventually can’t ignore
For the past week, our farm and family have found ourselves in the path of a wildfire. It’s one of those natural disaster situations you hope and pray you never have to deal with
Most of us have heard the popular statement that cows have best friends. While I’m not one to anthropomorphize, this is a fact that I have seen countless amounts of anecdotal evidence for