Oct. 16 2012
We all know that dairy provides food and nutrition to millions each day in the form of milk, cheese, ice cream and yogurt. When a milk cow is finished producing milk, she is a great resource for more products....
Sept. 21 2012
The terms are all too familiar for those in animal agriculture: "growth hormone," "mad cow disease" and "factory farm." All are nicknames for longer, dryer formal names. The mainstream media loves them...
April 25 2012
Confirmation reached the Hoard's Dairyman offices that a BSE case had been found in a California dairy cow shortly after 2 p.m. Central time yesterday. Thoughts of "the Christmas surprise" of 2003 (the...
March 29 2012
Ignorance on food processing bruises producers, processors, and people.by Hoard's Dairyman staff Recent media hype, by a select few, has drawn an outcry of attention to food safety concerns – concerns...
Feb. 7 2012
Logan Bower is a leader in dairy cattle care The Beef Checkoff's annual awards were recently announced. Logan Bower, a dairy producer from Pennsylvania, earned the Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Award which...
Jan. 18 2012
The next time you purchase beef or pork from the grocery store or butcher shop look at the label. Prior to March 1, 2012, the nutrition facts label on these cuts of meat will be updated to more accurately...
Dec. 14 2011
Last Wednesday BeefBoardMeeting.com reminded us that checkoff events are free to anyone who pays the checkoff. You, too, are likely a paying checkoff member as $1 per head per transaction is collected...
Oct. 13 2011
Dairy prices for October forecasted lower than September but stay above 2010 levels. Beef production remains strong. The milk production forecast for the remainder of 2011 has been raised. September production...
Sept. 23 2011
Severe drought and record high corn prices have made 2011 a nightmare for beef producers in Texas and surrounding states. One result, though, is the value of cull dairy cows has soared to levels milk producers...
Sept. 15 2011
As dairy producers, it is inevitable that we will eventually become beef producers
Aug. 1 2011
Record high cull cow prices could be enhanced further with more attention to quality. Dairy producers have paid a great deal of attention to milk quality for a number of years. However, we have been a...
Feb. 23 2011
Twenty-two percent of the beef in the US is from dairy cattle. And while only 6 to 8 percent of dairy producers' total dairy income is from the dairy beef, it is an important component in dairy operations....
Oct. 25 2010
Here's a look at what it is and why it's important to us. This article is part of a series being prepared in cooperation with the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Antimicrobial resistance...
Oct. 25 2010
Making sure your milk or meat does not contain a drug residue must be a high priority. This article is part of a series prepared in cooperation with the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Consumers...
Oct. 18 2010
Key considerations are drug effectiveness, safety for the animal, and safety for the food supply. This article is part of a series being prepared in cooperation with the American Association of Bovine...
Oct. 18 2010
Above all, avoid drug residues. Ship cows in good condition to get top dollar. This article is part of a series being prepared in cooperation with the American Association of Bovine Practitioners
Aug. 5 2010
When there's producer and grower money at stake –quite a bit of it– there always are strong feelings about who should spend it and how it should be spent. That's why both the beef check-off...
July 2 2010
In addition to milk, dairies are also constant producers of beef. This is a huge reason why USDA's latest monthly Cold Storage report should factor into their summer management plans. The June report issued...
June 11 2010
Eating-healthier-than-thou attitudes tend to float on clouds of perception rather than be rooted in fact. Thus, the bubble burst by a recent research study may do little to convince proponents about the...
June 4 2010
Dairy producers are also beef producers, and wearing both hats has never been as strange as it has been in 2010. Suddenly higher demand for beef around the world has been squeezing U.S. supplies this year,...