The 2019 forage growing and harvest season continues to be a hot topic as we near the end of the first quarter of 2020. In recent talks, we’ve discussed how 2019 may represent a new environmental...
One of the most challenging roles of the feeding team is to track and account for feed as it goes through the feeding center and into the bunk. In order to do this, it’s important to test, track,...
“With 60 to 65 percent of the milk check going towards feeding/feed costs, this has a huge impact on farm profitability,” explained Leatherbrook Holsteins’ Adam Graft
Characterizing the potential rumen degradation properties of starch in corn silage and corn grain has been a challenge for those involved in dairy nutrition
Forage inventories are in rough shape for many. USDA crop reports have suggested stalled corn and bean acres have mostly recovered over the past few weeks, with crop ratings improving
The concept is simple. If you are one of those farms that harvested less than ideal quality forages this spring because of muddy fields or any number of other factors, you might still be able to feed it...
For much of the Midwest and Northeast, it started raining last fall. Wet harvests gave way to saturated soils during the winter and flooding this spring
Forage particle length plays a key role in proper rumen function. When particle size is too small, cows spend less time chewing and producing saliva, which can reduce rumen pH
“Don’t let the abnormal become normal. Just because it happened yesterday, today, and tomorrow doesn’t mean it’s right,” opened independent nutritionist David Greene during...
I’m all for a nice sit-down dinner. Shoot, I’m all for most types of dinners. I like casual restaurants, the occasional dive bar, and family meals packed around a too small table and handmade...
Advanced Dairy Nutrition USB drive incorporates the material used in the University of Illinois’ online course, and is team-taught by Dave Fischer, Mike Hutjens, Jim Drackley, Jimmy Clark, Richard...
While not a devastating year for growing crops, it certainly was not ideal. Weather, milk prices, and export bureaucracy have left many feeling a bit underwhelmed