Aug. 8 2022
Make the most of this year's corn silagepresented by John Goeser, Rock River LaboratoryLeaning on prior experience, as well as taking into account this year’s growing season, Goeser projects t
July 11 2022
Housing calves in small groups: The pros, cons, and best practices, presented by Whitney Knauer, V.M.D., University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine
June 23 2022
Greenhouse gases are emitted though human activity, and they accumulate in the atmosphere
June 13 2022
Dairy's path to climate neutrality was presented by Frank Mitloehner, University of California, Davis
May 12 2022
Hypocalcemia and the transition cow was presented by Jesse Goff, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine
April 11 2022
Feed costs — Ten opportunities for savingspresented by: Mike Hutjens, University of Illinoissponsored by: Kuhn Feed represents over 50% of total milk production costs. With higher fertili
March 14 2022
The details add up to high production was presented by: Dairy farmer Alex Neuenschwander and his veterinarian, Mark Hardesty of the Maria Stein Animal Clinic
Feb. 15 2022
What the new NRC means for your herd was presented by: Bill Weiss,The Ohio State University
Jan. 10 2022
The dairy price outlook for 2022: A spotlight on supply, demand, and inflation was presented by Mark Stephenson
Dec. 14 2021
Sarah Morrison, a research scientist at the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, presented, “Caring for calves in cold weather.”
Nov. 10 2021
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadMike Hutjens, University of Illinois, and Mike Rankin, Hay & Forage Grower magazinesponsored by Chr. Hansen Large regions of drought and exce
Oct. 20 2021
In this webinar, Dr. Kirkpatrick will focus on the financial impacts that a high first-test SCC can have on milk production, clinical mastitis rates and cull rates. Spoiler alert: It’s a lot more...
Oct. 14 2021
An update on cooling and ventilation for dairy cattlepresented by Nigel Cook, MRCVS, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary MedicineSponsored by Tunnel PlusNigel Cook, MRCVS, Univer
Sept. 14 2021
Raising calves on autofeeders — will it work for you? presented by Bob James, Virginia Techsponsored by TechMixIs it time for a change? Can we do a better job raising calves in a different way?...
Aug. 30 2021
Our Hoard’s Dairyman monthly webinar series earned top awards and positive feedback in a recent communications contest
Aug. 16 2021
Bill Weiss, a professor emeritus at The Ohio State University, presented “Estimating energy supply and requirements of dairy cows.”Although energy is usually the first limiting nutrient, dietary...
July 12 2021
Karl Burgi, a hoof care consultant and founder of the Save Cows Network, presented “Three key points for exceptional hoof health.”
June 15 2021
Many common practices on dairy farms are subject to criticism by consumers and other stakeholders. During the webinar, von Keyserlingk will review approaches that have created concern in the past and discuss...