Roughly a quarter of U.S. milk was covered under Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) and about 13% was insured under Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) for 2020, said Tiffany LaMendola of Blimling and Associates
The COVID-19 pandemic has most certainly impacted the financial stability of the country, put the economy into recession, and even raised concerns of a coming depression
“This has been the issue that is the toughest to navigate in trying to develop a global brand,” said Sartori Cheese CEO Jeff Schwager on the October 7 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream
Since a 2016 referendum in Great Britain, markets around the world have wondered if the country’s decision to leave the European Union (EU) would open up an opportunity for trade
The European Union’s (EU) use of geographical indications (GIs) to monopolize the cheese market is founded on the belief that European cheeses are of a higher quality than those made elsewhere, including...
The title of this article, “You can’t sell your cheese here,” is a sentiment that is becoming more common for American cheese producers to hear while trying to market their products around...
Dairy products have an important and well-recognized role in retail locations. That’s been true for many years, and it’s not a market that the industry hopes to cede in any way
In 2019, per capita consumption of dairy products reached 653 pounds per person in America, achieving levels not seen since the 1960s when Lyndon Johnson was in office
A question you will often hear when discussing cattle nutrition is what level of production do you balance for? This question sets the stage for energy, fiber, and ingredient inclusion in the diet
Viewers took the opportunity on the August 19 episode of Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream to ask registered dietician Yvonne Greer her viewpoint on alternative milk beverages
“If you don’t put milk on the lunch tray, you don’t get a federal reimbursement,” explained Andy Novakovic, Cornell University economist, of milk’s relationship with the nation’s...
From 1990 to 2010, the United States saw constantly expanding school-age populations. Since then, the number of students in school have dropped significantly, and that’s not something that’s...