July 12 2024
Historically, criminals who have been sentenced to death have been granted a sumptuous last meal before their execution
June 15 2024
DAIRY producers are aware of the importance of feeding quality colostrum within the first two hours of birth (and surely within six hours). Colostrum provides immunity as antibodies
June 10 2024
A growing number of calves are being hauled long distances at a young age to get to the calf raiser. On these long trips, calves typically don’t have access to milk or water
May 15 2024
My predecessor started the concept of herd health checks in our area over 50 years ago. Cows and heifers were checked for their reproductive status on a schedule
May 15 2024
Millions of calves, including replacement heifers, dairy bull calves, and dairy-beef calves, leave dairy farms every year
April 29 2024
Heifer calves are an investment area on our farms
April 24 2024
Research indicates those that work on dairies have less gastrointestinal related symptoms than nonfarmers
April 8 2024
The long-term consequences of heat stress in dairy cattle was presented by Geoff Dahl, University of Florida
April 1 2024
It still feels like winter in many parts of the country, but if the temperature swings of this season and the trend of last summer are any indication, it may not be long before we need to consider how...
Feb. 16 2024
Lung ultrasound can be used to answer a multitude of questions regarding respiratory health in calves
Jan. 10 2024
when a pendulum swings out farther in one direction than normal, it may swing back too far in the other direction. A correction can take some time later on
Nov. 15 2023
Calves enter a world filled with bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These organisms can make them sick or even lead to death
Oct. 15 2023
A silver bullet is a simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem. Many would maintain that they exist only in fiction, but colostrum is a real life example
Oct. 12 2023
Feeding the calves of today and tomorrowpresentned by Bob James Virginia Tech and Down Home Heifer Solutions sponsored by: Agri-PlasticsWhen raising calves, farmers must consider what is best for the
Oct. 5 2023
When challenged by illness, young dairy calves can become dehydrated quickly. Producers are often faced with the question of whether oral fluids will get the job done or if they need to call their veterinarian...
Sept. 25 2023
With so much attention placed on animal welfare, the perspective of farmers is often overlooked, even though they are the ones who provide care to animals daily and have the greatest impact on animal welfare
Sept. 25 2023
Feeding high-quality colostrum is recognized as a critical factor to raising healthy calves. In addition to supplying important immunological components, colostrum is rich in nutrients, hormones, and and...
Sept. 25 2023
At the 2006 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) conference in Minneapolis, a speaker presented some unique findings from their human milk studies
Sept. 5 2023
I think baby calves are adorable and sweet. If I see one, there is no doubt that I will walk up to it with my arm outstretched, palm up, to let it suck on my hand with all its slobber and sandpaper-feeling...
Aug. 24 2023
Calf rearing aims to promote growth and intestinal development while minimizing health incidences. One of the significant challenges for young calves is diarrhea and other digestive issues. Digestive challenges...