Both Mrs. Paquet and Mr. Flaman are dairy farmers, respectively from Saint-Côme-Linière, Quebec and from Vibank, Saskatchewan. Both are also actively involved in leadership roles with other industry partners. “A bright future relies on policies and services adapted to the new realities,” explains Mr. Flaman, reappointed as Vice-Chair.
“Bringing together the strengths of three organizations to work together for the success of dairy farmers has taken a tremendous amount of time and effort in the past two years. The leadership of the Board is directly related to the success of the company” comments Neil Petreny, the CEO of Lactanet.
In addition to the recent introduction of an eDHI service and the introduction of Feed Efficiency evaluations, the Lactanet Board recently implemented a Resolution Process to give a voice to all licensed dairy producers in the country. The Board sees this process as a key element in engaging dairy producers and supporting efforts to ensure a sustainable and thriving future.
The Lactanet Board is comprised of 11 Directors. Six of these Directors are appointed by the organizations that provide herd management/milk recording or centre of expertise services, while one Director is appointed by each of the following partners: Dairy Farmers of Canada, Holstein Canada and Semex. The Board may also appoint up to two external Directors based on the particular skills and expertise needed by the Lactanet Board.