The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

With full-color photos, tables, specification charts and feature/benefit listings, the new 24-page catalog is a valuable resource for dairy producers. Content is designed to make it easy to locate important details, and to streamline the ordering process.
“We wanted the catalog to showcase our growing product line and to be a useful tool dairy producers will want to keep handy,” said Jeff Perkins, General Manager at Conewango. “It puts product information right at their fingertips and gives them reassurance that they are ordering exactly what they need.”
Founded by an upstate New York dairy farmer in 1931, Conewango has grown into a leading manufacturer of premium liners and accessories for progressive dairy operations nationwide.
Contact Conewango at (800) 828-9258 to request a copy or visit the website Resources page at to download an electronic version.