The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.
FDA just opened registration for a virtual public meeting on FDA’s role in the AAFCO feed ingredient definition process, which will take place on February 9, 2023. The agency is currently accepting public comments in a docket and is accepting requests to speak during the virtual public meeting. You can get the details and learn more through the links below.Regarding the scope of the meeting, please note that FDA is seeking constructive input on specifically how to improve FDA’s role in the AAFCO feed ingredient definition process and how FDA could gather stakeholder input on the safety of each pending ingredient definition. This meeting will not address other aspects of animal food regulation.
Stakeholder presentations or written comments should be limited to addressing one or more of the following questions:
- What steps can FDA take to improve stakeholder understanding of FDA’s engagement with AAFCO’s feed ingredient definition process and better communicate this information with the public?
- What changes to FDA’s role in AAFCO’s feed ingredient definition process would be helpful to stakeholders and why?
- If FDA made a list of AAFCO feed ingredient definition requests publicly available, where would stakeholders prefer to find such a list and what information would stakeholders like to see with such a list?
- What do stakeholders view as successful or valuable in FDA’s continued participation as the scientific reviewers for new AAFCO feed ingredient definitions?
For more information: