The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, exhibitors returned to the 2022 RAWF with comradery and excitement. Record breaking numbers were exhibited in the 2022 Black &White and Red &White Shows at the 100th Anniversary of the RAWF.
Holstein Canada thanks all exhibitors for taking the time to vote their choice for the 2023 National Show.
About Adam Liddle (Argyle, New York)
Adam and his wife, Nicole, own and operate Liddleholme Farm which is home to 70 milking Holsteins. One of Liddleholme’s greatest achievements was breeding Liddleholme Resurect Lu EX-97 and to have co-bred or owned an All-American nominee for 13 consecutive years. Adam has a distinguished judging career that has taken him to Brazil, Argentina, Switzerland, Italy, Australia and throughout North America, including the International Junior Holstein Show.
About Jeff Stephens (Troy, Ontario)
Jeff has been an official Judge for over 20 years and has officiated Shows nationally and internationally. He has had the opportunity to judge several large Shows such as the New York Carousel, All-American Dairy Show, and several Shows across Ontario. He was involved in his parents’ Yellow Briar Ayrshire and Jersey herd until their dispersal in 2016. He is a Sales Representative for Blondin Sires and also buys and sells cattle both in Canada and the US. Jeff helps coordinate and run several sales in Ontario including the Taste of Ontario sale.