Who do Americans trust?

Farming and agriculture – that’s the top answer to that question, up five percentage points from 2023, with a 64% “very and somewhat positive” review, according to a recent Gallup poll.

This national survey asked Americans for their opinions of various U.S. industries and business sectors. The farming, restaurant, and computer sectors have been listed as the top-rated industries annually since the question was first posed in 2001. Since 2019, farming and agriculture or restaurants have claimed the top spot or been statistically tied.

In 2024, the restaurant sector fell the most, down 9 percentage points to a 52% “very and somewhat positive” review, tying with the computer industry for second place. This year’s restaurant rating is the lowest since 2008 during the Great Recession. With American consumers frustrated about high food prices, both in restaurants and grocery stores, fewer are going out to eat in order to stretch their already worn-thin dollars.

Beliefs in the U.S. food system

The Gardner Food and Agricultural Policy Survey is an online survey given to a subset of U.S. consumers that represent the general population regarding their perceptions of food and agricultural systems. Earlier this year, survey participants overwhelmingly claimed that food manufacturers, grocery stores, and restaurants were “too big.” However, farmers were not perceived in that same light. As for food pricing, similar results ensued; farmers were perceived not to be responsible for high prices. But 70% of consumers thought that manufacturers, grocery stores, and restaurants were contributing to the food affordability problem.

Other surveys have been conducted by Gallup looking at food concerns for U.S. consumers. In 2023, the top five concerns about the U.S. food system included food prices, healthiness of food in diets, food waste, hormones, steroids or antibiotics in food, and being able to afford to buy enough food for themselves or their families. Food prices was the top issue with 81% of participants selecting that as a strong concern. Based on participants’ answers, the production of food, its impact on the environment, and availability of food in stores had fewer than 20% of participant selections. This helps allude that Americans have more positive beliefs in farming as compared to their food experiences while shopping in the grocery store.

Farmers and ranch families are small, but mighty

According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, less than 2% of the U.S. population is comprised of farmers and ranchers. In 2022, 95% of the nation’s 1.9 million farms were recorded in the USDA Census of Agriculture as being family operated. Each farm can feed 169 people annually, on average, both at home and abroad. While fewer American consumers have a direct tie to agriculture, survey results continue to demonstrate they recognize the importance of agriculture products and have a favorable view of producers.

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(c) Hoard's Dairyman Intel 2024
October 10, 2024
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