The dairy checkoff was already in place when I began my career as a next-generation Wisconsin dairy farmer. My focus was on operations, not promotion. But when I started managing our financials, I got curious about the value Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (DFW) provides and decided to learn more. I have since joined the DFW board.
Checkoff stories build community trust
One of my favorite initiatives is DFW’s “Adopt a Cow” program, which is engaging 55,000 Wisconsin students in the 2024-2025 school year to follow the growth of a dairy calf. Visiting classrooms and talking with teachers and families at the fair underscores why farmers need to share our stories: People don't know how much you care until you show them. Kids love to hear that my cows eat breakfast and dinner each day before I do. When I’m telling my story, I’m also building their understanding and core values about dairy farming.
As families get further from our farming heritage, they need opportunities like “Breakfast on the Farm” events during June Dairy Month. Opening our doors to the community is one way to build trust and grow demand for our Wisconsin dairy products. Social media can also connect a broader audience to life on the farm. Annaliese Wegner, who posts to Instagram as @modfarmchick and was recently elected to our board, highlights how we prioritize caring for our land, animals, families, and community. Sharing her content is an easy way for me to amplify our message.
Checkoff stories fuel market expansion
I hire a wide variety of specialized experts — my veterinarian, nutrition consultant, and agronomist — as part of the team that keeps our family farm running. As a business owner, I also find it necessary to have marketing support. DFW’s coordinated efforts elevate the category much more effectively than if every farmer were on our own.
More than 5,500 Wisconsin dairy products now carry the “Proudly Wisconsin” badge developed by DFW. Coordinated campaigns encourage consumers to look for our label, which is recognized as an indicator of quality. Innovative product development through the Center for Dairy Research, which is funded by the checkoff, spurs specialty cheese sales. Joint promotions with restaurants like Culver’s and Domino’s showcase Wisconsin dairy products. Sponsored content with trusted gourmet food media outlets such as Bravo’s Top Chef, Food52, and SAVEUR spotlight Wisconsin Cheese.
What I discovered about the checkoff’s impact on building the Wisconsin cheese identity and encouraging product innovation impressed me. It also inspired me to get involved. Checkoff helps drive global business. It fosters connections between the dairy industry and our communities. As a volunteer and board member, I’ve gained a front-row seat to programs that strengthen relationships with consumers. I’ve learned why it’s important to tell my story and see how it fits into the larger narrative DFW promotes.
In the 40 years since the dairy checkoff launched, consumer cheese consumption has doubled, and butter consumption has reached a 50-year high. Checkoff promotion works, and I’m proud to be part of it.
To learn more about Wisconsin’s dairy checkoff, visit WisconsinDairy.org.