Hoard's Dairyman Print Classified Information

Rate: $2.75 per word per issue. Classified display ads are $270 per column inch. Farm Sales display advertising is $225 per column inch. Call us for Livestock display rates.

Deadline: 30 days prior to issue date. The exact date changes from issue to issue. If the exact date needs to be known, please call the Classified Advertising Manager, Patti Kressin, at 920-563-5551 Ext. 125.

Publication Dates: Published one issue per month, with two issues on January, April, and Septemeber.

Boldface: Only up to the first four words in the advertisement will be in bold print and capitalized. The company or personal name may also appear in capital letters.

Counting Words: Each initial is one word. A group of figures (517-555-2358, 201x104, or 5'8') counts as one word. Slashed words (system/computer) are counted as two words. Two words that are hyphenated (double-four) counts as two words. A hyphenated word with a press (Agri-Pro) is one word. Each number (1,100) counts as one word. Frequently used abbreviations are one word. (Example: Post Office -- P.O. or Rural Route -- R.R.) Any abbreviation on the advertisement not frequently used will be changed into regular word form.

Payment: Pre-payment by credit card, check or money order must accompany orders. If over- or under-paid, you will be advised of your balance in a letter or confirmation of purchase order.

Canadian & Foreign: Order will not be processed until receipt of check or money order in U.S. Funds. If a payment is not received in U.S. Funds, the check or money order will be returned.

Policy: Hoard's Dairyman reserves the right to reject, cancel or exclude copy which is unethical, misleading, extravagant, challenging, questionable in character, in bad taste, detrimental to public health or interest otherwise inappropriate or incompatible with the character of Hoard's Dairyman.

Source: 2024 Rate Card for Classified advertising.

P.O. Box 801
Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-0801
Telephone 920.563.5551

Hoard's Dairyman Online Classified Information

Rate per word: $2.75
Contact: classifieds@hoards.com

Click to see the classified section on the website.
