Kayla (Buske) Jentz, 2009
University of Wisconsin-Madison

I currently serve as the editor of Holstein World, a relatively new role since joining DairyBusiness Communications in 2011. Prior to this, I was associate editor for DairyBusiness East magazine and managing editor of DairyBusiness Weekly, a digital-only publication. I really enjoy working in the dairy industry and hope to continue doing so. I live in Paoli, Wis., with my husband, Casey, who manages a nearby beef herd. Aside from our occupations, we also help raise and show Angus cattle for Lone Willow Acres, the home farm for Casey and his family. I also continue to help my family at dairy shows.
I held an internship with an A.I. company prior to interning with Hoard's in 2009, but it was during the Hoard's internship that I realized I really enjoyed visiting with producers, writing and the overall process of laying out pages, taking pictures and so forth. I learned a great deal during the internship, but what stands out to me now is learning how to travel plan (booking rental cars, hotels, flights and so forth), which is a big part of what I do in my current position. Prior to that summer, I had never flown before and rarely traveled alone, so after my multiple flights that summer, I was a lot more comfortable with it. I also refined my writing skills, made valuable industry connections and got to work with a great group of people in the office that made the internship a stand-out experience. During the first couple years in college, I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do for a career, but the Hoard's Dairyman internship really helped shape my vision and goals which ultimately led me into communications and an editorial role.