Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
March 28 2024
With the Easter holiday fast approaching, dairy farmers are hoping for plenty of cheese and butter sales for spring holiday cooking needs
March 21 2024
An unusual and concerning animal health situation is unfolding in and around the Texas Panhandle, and it is leaving more questions than answers
March 21 2024
In past articles, I have addressed some limitations of undegraded neutral detergent fiber (uNDF) as an indicator of forage quality
March 21 2024
When it comes to crop inputs, price volatility has been a popular topic of conversation this year among many growers
March 21 2024
The use of beef semen on dairy cattle has been a real asset to dairy farms, both in reducing the cost of raising excess dairy heifers and creating more valuable calves to be sold
March 14 2024
The Farmers Assuring Responsible Management Environmental Stewardship Program (FARM ES) is collaborating with the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy to integrate a new, process-based model for greenhouse...
March 14 2024
Making the transition from winter to spring can be hard on dairy calves due to drastic fluctuations in temperature
March 14 2024
Yogurt was able to put another feather in its cap earlier this month when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a new qualified health claim for the popular dairy product
March 14 2024
Antibiotics are a valuable tool for animal and human medicine
March 7 2024
Farmers are well aware of the challenges that come with various strains of salmonella, but handling an outbreak of sick animals can still be difficult. What can be done when Salmonella Dublin (S. Dublin)...
March 7 2024
Understanding the root causes of dairy lameness could save your operation money when it comes time to make culling decisions within your herd. In a webinar conducted by Iowa State University Extension,...
March 7 2024
People are feeling the pinch these days as they head to the grocery store and notice higher prices on some of their favorite items and the necessities. While we are fortunate to live in a country with...
March 7 2024
Despite the progress made in udder health, mastitis is still the most common disease of dairy cattle. In fact, 20% to 40% of cows develop a clinical case each lactation, said Pam Ruegg during the National...
Feb. 29 2024
Two characteristics distinguish alfalfa hay from grass hay
Feb. 29 2024
The lungs are an indicator organ, according to veterinarian Terri Ollivett
Feb. 29 2024
As dairies have gotten bigger and more diverse, the need for a reliable workforce has only expanded
Feb. 29 2024
The lack of price-supportive grain news means that feed prices have settled into a weaker pattern in recent months and are set to continue their declines
Feb. 22 2024
Elevated stress is one of the main contributors to heart disease. The others are poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle
Feb. 22 2024
It seems elementary, but it’s an important fact to remember when we’re aiming to produce high-quality milk and maintain udder health: The way pathogens infect the udder is through the teat...
Feb. 22 2024
The common saying “There’s more than meets the eye” certainly rings true when it comes to identifying disease in dairy calves
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