Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

March 10 2012
Only 1,651 dairy operations hung up their milkers in 2011. That's the smallest drop, both percentage and actual, since 1992. After losing over 80,028 dairy farms since 1992, it appears the reductions in...
March 10 2012
There's a new showmanship scorecard this show season Taking into account how judges actually evaluate during showmanship, the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association has improved its showmanship scorecard. At...
Feb. 25 2012
2012 hay outlook: Prices may dip a little, but they'll still be painful for buyers. Alfalfa hay market analyst Seth Hoyt always draws a big crowd for his annual forecast at the Western Alfalfa and Forage...
Feb. 25 2012
Editorial: It's Time For Dairy to Take The Lead on ID For too long, the dairy and beef industries have been tethered together when investigating approaches on identification. After over a decade of joint...
Feb. 25 2012
Despite gains in milk per cow, component levels are climbing. It's good for manufacturers and bottlers alike. Without the fat, protein, and other solids, milk has little or no economic value. Today, more...
Feb. 10 2012
Some good news came at year's end as Capitol Hill allowed two key ethanol subsidies to expire. That decision could have eased corn and soybean prices were it not for the 15.2-billion-gallon Renewable Fuel...
Feb. 10 2012
by Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk and Daniel M. Weary The authors are with the Animal Welfare Program, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. When calves are fed more milk, weight gains before...
Feb. 10 2012
There's a 50-50 chance for a farm bill in 2012 Former Washington legislative staffers told those attending IDFA's Dairy Forum that we may see a new farm bill before the fall election. If not passed before...
Jan. 25 2012
Genetic evaluations are at a crossroads. Both the science of genomics and government's funding limitations are reshaping the field. As decisions are being made on a new structure to fund and calculate...
Jan. 25 2012
We were halfway through reproductive exams when Henry told me that they had sold a load of cull cows last week that averaged 1,900 pounds and that brought in over $1,100 each. At first, this seems very...
Jan. 25 2012
Local food is the new "sustainability" trend. Walk into any upscale restaurant and there's a good chance that the menu will be awash with proud proclamations of food sourced from local producers
Jan. 10 2012
by Stephen C. Nickerson The author is a professor of dairy science at the University of Georgia. To comply with global quality standards, consumer demand, and exportation requirements, the dairy industry...
Jan. 10 2012
Getting fresh cows off to a good start is important. Many reproductive disorders are complex and have their root in fresh cow conditions. A myth is a tradition or legend that attempts to express or explain...
Jan. 10 2012
Add sodium to the growing list of ingredients and foods that are responsible for obesity, poor heart health, and a whole host of ailments. At least that is what some health professionals would like us...
Dec. 15 2011
Since genomics burst onto the scene in 2008, the dairy genetics sector has been under constant flux. This seismic change brought on by genomics caused some leaders to investigate a new long-term approach...
Dec. 15 2011
There is generally good feedback on articles that I submit to Hoard's Dairyman. I must admit the comments have been exceptionally heavy regarding my September 25, 2011, article, "Stress test potential...
Nov. 15 2011
Now that the harvest season is nearly complete, mailboxes and computer inboxes will be filled with seed catalogs and silage plot results. We thought it might be helpful to offer a silage plot report primer...
Nov. 15 2011
Changes in the Foundation for the Future (FFTF) initiative as shown in The Dairy Security Act of 2011 (HR 3062the Peterson-Simpson bill) represent another positive step toward significant and long-overdue...
Nov. 15 2011
Cold weather impedes calf growth Supplementing extra energy or encouraging starter intake keeps calves growing. Calves that don't grow well in cold temperatures produce less milk as cows
Oct. 25 2011
With the current assets needed to milk cows, it is tough to bring new young producers into the game