Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

Oct. 25 2011
2011 Supreme & Holstein Champion: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy 2011 Reserve Supreme & Jersey Champion: Pine Haven SSM Marmie Brown Swiss: Dublin-Hills Treats Ayrshire: Steam-Valley Wilton Magic Bri Guernsey:...
Oct. 19 2011
And the tie goes to. . . Cornell In a rare tie in the National Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Contest, the Cornell and Virginia Tech teams both racked up 2,485 points. This was the second-ever tie in the...
Oct. 10 2011
Dairy reform package introduced in Congress As our October 10 issue closed, Representatives Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) and Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) introduced the Dairy Security Act (DSA) in the House. "I...
Oct. 10 2011
As Halloween approaches, we are all wondering if 2012 milk prices will be a "trick" or a "treat." The "trick" would be a continuation of the three-year milk price cycle - two years of good milk prices...
Oct. 10 2011
We have the opportunity to capture our share of the growing global dairy market. But international trade is more difficult, and corrupt, as we reach past the low-hanging fruit
Sept. 25 2011
"I want you to consult with us, and insult us when needed!" A new client made that statement to me many years ago
Sept. 25 2011
There is an old saying in rural America: Farmers don't want to own all the land in the county, just the land that touches their property. With hot demand for farm commodities and the need for additional...
Sept. 15 2011
A crucial goal for dairy nutritionists is to provide as much energy as possible for maximum milk production while main­­­­­­­­­­­taining the health of the cow
Sept. 10 2011
What we've learned about genomics . . . so far Three years ago, genomic testing became available and changed the genetics industry. Four experts recently shared their experiences in a town hall meeting....
Sept. 10 2011
Surplus moisture during vegetative growth appears to have the greatest effect on reducing NDFD (neutral detergent fiber digestibility)
Sept. 10 2011
Even at a very early age, Bert Stewart was a consummate student who studied those who did well at their trade . . . be it judging, showing, coaching, farming, or even playing fast-pitch softball. It led...
Aug. 25 2011
Some new uses for genomics data were reported at the ADSA meetings in New Orleans, La., this July. Scientists at AIPL searched through genomic databases to find "haplotypes" that existed at relatively...
Aug. 25 2011
It was not too many years ago that dairy farmers' eyes would glaze over when someone would start a rumor about $20 milk
Aug. 10 2011
Beginning about 10 years ago, considerable field interest surfaced regarding harvesting corn silage at higher chop heights, primarily in an effort to improve neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD)....
Aug. 10 2011
To get a better handle on hoof health, researchers at the University of California-Davis partnered with a hoof trimmer who exclusively trimmed feet at three California dairies. In all, 2,247 sire-identified...
Aug. 10 2011
With so much uncertainty in the world, the only constant is market volatility. The extreme swings will be too much for some producers to manage; those who prepare for this new world have the potential...
July 15 2011
Effective communication is the glue that binds members to their organizations. Without proper and timely dissemination of information, you can't have open debate, initiatives get stalled, and organizations...
July 15 2011
As we assess the entire Foundation for the Future (FFTF) policy package, among many other things, we wanted to know how it would affect our business and yours. Since we wanted to use actual numbers, we...
July 15 2011
Part of each dairy operation's evaluation of the Foundation for the Future (FFTF) proposal is how it affects its own business
June 15 2011
Of all the valiant efforts of diet and health do-gooders, trying to get flavored milks out of schools ranks among the most misguided. It is a classic example of an idea that glows with good intentions...