Below are the featured articles from recent issues of Hoard's Dairyman.

Sept. 25 2010
I received a call recently from a local dairy producer who wanted to talk about the recent death of a dairyman caused by silo gas. This was a very sincere phone call. He started out the conversation with,...
Sept. 25 2010
Member milk production among the top 50 co-ops remained fairly stable from 2008 to 2009, increasing a mere 22 million pounds from 150.669 billion to 150.721 billion. The top 50 cooperatives essentially...
Sept. 10 2010
Change the breed or change breeds When it comes to famed Milking Shorthorn farms, there is none better than Innisfail Herds of Davis, Calif. After returning from the U.S. Army in the mid-50s, Stuart Rowe...
Sept. 10 2010
Check-in changes help check out health risks On each Friday before the official start of World Dairy Expo, the Alliant Energy Center instantly becomes home to one of the nation's largest dairy herds. Last...
Aug. 25 2010
Badger Pride team of Lorin and Linda Berge, left, farm with their son, Matthew, his wife, Jennifer, and their children, Otis and Caroline (not shown). A five-pen approach reduces social stress. Drover's...
Aug. 25 2010
A study forecasts a "dairy export" window of opportunity and calls on our industry to be a more consistent exporter
Aug. 10 2010
A near capacity crowd attended the Monday morning genomics presentation by Holstein USA geneticist at the 125th annual convention in Bloomington, Minn., Tom Lawlor. During his presentation, Lawlor explained...
Aug. 10 2010
Why some fresh cows have problems by Andres Contreras, Nial O'Boyle, and Lorraine Sordillo Mammals, including our dairy cows, have great energy demands around parturition . . . not only to support growth...
Aug. 10 2010
Back in January, USDA and other price forecasters were predicting a good recovery in milk prices. For the first six months of this year, milk prices averaged higher than last year but still were more than...
July 15 2010
Leading financial advisors offer their advice to dairy producers as we wade through today's financial difficulties
July 15 2010
The dairy breeding industry has had a boisterous 2010. Genomic predictions needed a course correction, and one was applied this past April. "Boisterous" is not the adjective that everyone involved would...
July 15 2010
Connecting with Fairgoers: Don't miss an opportunity Seeing your animal at the fair may be as close as consumers get to a farm - make it a positive experience. Nothing gets dairy youth more excited than...
June 15 2010
I wanted to write regarding a true story about my husband. It has been a very hard time for our family. Our two sons took over the dairy 10 years ago, and we are proud of them. I retired from milking four...
June 1 2010
I always have to sit back in my chair and contemplate a quote from W. D. Hoard when I read one. These one liners were made years ago. They were made at a time when agriculture was still powered by raw...
April 2 2010
It ought to be an old saying by now: Consumers have the right to make choices, but expect some of them to be dangerous or stupid. In the case of raw milk, they're getting both. Federal law requires all...
March 31 2010
The Food and Drug Administration released a special warning late last week reminding consumers to forgo any consumption of raw milk. They report that at least 12 cases of illnesses have been confirmed...