Milk Check Outlook is published 15 times a year—on the 10th and 25th of nearly every month. Hoard’s Dairyman works with industry experts from across the country to provide their perspective on everything from milk prices, the future of the dairy economy, and how to be a profitable producer. These columns are found in each Hoard’s Dairyman magazine and are also distributed by email. To receive these columns, please subscribe to the magazine or sign up to receive our weekly e-newsletter.

Dec. 4 2020
There is no question that dairy prices have recently walked through levels of uncertainty never realized or equaled in our lifetime. On a month-to-month basis, Class III prices routinely swung $5 per
Nov. 6 2020
For extreme diseases, wrote the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, extreme methods of cure are most suitable. Faced with a virus that forced the U.S. economy into a lockdown, the federal government
Oct. 25 2020
As the industry looks ahead to 2021, milk price outlook remains uncertain as factors weigh on markets that could lift or depress milk prices