Milk Check Outlook is published 15 times a year—on the 10th and 25th of nearly every month. Hoard’s Dairyman works with industry experts from across the country to provide their perspective on everything from milk prices, the future of the dairy economy, and how to be a profitable producer. These columns are found in each Hoard’s Dairyman magazine and are also distributed by email. To receive these columns, please subscribe to the magazine or sign up to receive our weekly e-newsletter.

May 10 2023
About the same time the new farm bill will be kicking in this October, the federal government’s new fiscal year also will be underway
April 25 2023
Milk prices can’t go much lower, especially with these high feed prices . . . Can they?”
April 10 2023
Starting in 2020, a price divergence between Class III and actual producer pay prices shook up risk management plans just as volatility re-entered dairy markets in a meaningful way for the first time