We recently received a note from Scott Crandell, a dairy nutritionist in Mifflintown, Pa. One of his clients, Centerview Farm also of Mifflintown, experienced a remarkable delivery this fall.
Shown below are Macey, Lacey, and Stacey - triplet heifer calves. What's more remarkable is that they are Red and White heifers. According to our A.I. columnist Jeff Stevenson, the frequency of having twins is around 4.2 percent of all births.
The odds get much more rare for triplets, which is 1 in 105,000 births. However, with multiple births, the chance for survival is much more of a challenge with only 44 percent of triplets born alive. So, the odds of triplets, all heifers, all born alive is one in 5 million. We won't even begin to calculate the chances that all are Red and White! Here are some snapshots of these little red ladies who certainly beat the odds.
Thank you for sharing the news of this miraculous arrival with us!

Shown below are Macey, Lacey, and Stacey - triplet heifer calves. What's more remarkable is that they are Red and White heifers. According to our A.I. columnist Jeff Stevenson, the frequency of having twins is around 4.2 percent of all births.
The odds get much more rare for triplets, which is 1 in 105,000 births. However, with multiple births, the chance for survival is much more of a challenge with only 44 percent of triplets born alive. So, the odds of triplets, all heifers, all born alive is one in 5 million. We won't even begin to calculate the chances that all are Red and White! Here are some snapshots of these little red ladies who certainly beat the odds.
Thank you for sharing the news of this miraculous arrival with us!