I know you understand the importance of dairy foods in building a healthy life right from the start. However, you may not be aware of dairy’s impact on cognitive development and brain health, particularly during the critical phases of pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood. These benefits are the focus of checkoff efforts to reach new and expecting parents on social media.
The first 1,000 days of a child's life, from conception to their second birthday, are crucial for shaping the foundation of brain development. Nutrition plays a key role, and dairy can significantly support cognitive development, thanks to nutrients including iodine and choline. Checkoff organizations nationally and locally teamed with MilkPEP, the processor checkoff organization, to elevate awareness and understanding of dairy’s contributions to expecting mothers and parents seeking nutrition guidance.
One unique way the dairy checkoff showcases these science-based benefits is through “edutaining” videos on TikTok and Instagram, where we provide educational information in a fun and entertaining manner. Through the checkoff’s Undeniably Dairy campaign, videos of babies enjoying dairy while giving information on dairy’s role in brain development are being shared.
Below are three videos that hit the mark with consumers:

A baby tries yogurt for the first time and can’t get enough:

The feeling you get when you enjoy cheese:

Nothing better than cold milk on your cereal in the morning:
To learn more about checkoff strategies surrounding the first 1,000 days, listen to the ”Your Dairy Checkoff” podcast.

We encourage farmers and others across the industry to follow our channels on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube and share our content with your social media audiences.
To learn more about your national or local dairy checkoff, visit dairycheckoff.com or to reach us directly, send an email to TalkToTheCheckoff@dairy.org.

The author is a Senior Vice President of Digital Initiatives at Dairy Management Inc.