Look for several posts each day that will be brought to you by Pfizer Animal Health, the sponsor of Hoard's at Expo. There will be a mix of topics and something that will pique everyone's interest. Look for continual updates each day.
In addition to Expo highlights on our website, Facebook and Twitter, we will share Expo news as it develops. For example, Hoard's Dairyman staff will attend the dairy cattle judging contest award ceremonies and post results as they're being revealed. We will present top teams and top individuals breed by breed . . . trying to do the best we can with getting the spelling of names correct. (After the contest results become official, we will post any updates.
So, for those that cannot be at the banquet ceremonies to root on your state's youth or college alma mater, follow along and cheer (comment). The 4-H and post-secondary awards banquets will be Monday evening, and the university contest awards will be presented Tuesday morning.
More from Hoard's at Expo
- Winning judging teams from 4-H and colleges are listed on our Hoard's at Expo page, back to the start of the contests.
- Who was the first Supreme Champion at World Dairy Expo? We have both the junior and open show supremes listed.
- The special Merle Howard award for youth began in 2004. The history of the recognition and past winners are found on the website.