July 7 2014
The price to host a summer picnic will cost you a little more this year than it did last year, thanks to two main culprits: meat and dairy. Smaller beef cattle and hog inventories, coupled with high demand...
June 16 2014
The Hoard's Dairyman editorial team takes great pride in providing our readers with high-quality articles and photos reflective of the current dairy industry. An annual photography road trip allows our...
June 19 2013
Hoard's Dairyman first launched an internship program in 1989, and it has remained a solid part of our editorial coverage for the past 25 years. This summer marks the 25th anniversary of the Hoard's Dairyman...
March 19 2013
On conventional dairy farms, antibiotics have a place in treating sick animals but never in the milk or meat sold by the farm. Consumers can drink milk happily and safely thanks to the efforts put forth...
Nov. 27 2012
In this Facts About Beef article, it compares vegetarian diets with diets with lean meat. • According to a recent Gallup poll, only 5% of American adults consider themselves to be vegetarians. •...
Jan. 18 2012
The next time you purchase beef or pork from the grocery store or butcher shop look at the label. Prior to March 1, 2012, the nutrition facts label on these cuts of meat will be updated to more accurately...
Nov. 9 2011
The August 28, 2011, tropical storm devastated New England, especially Vermont. Homes, farmland, and lives were changed forever. Farmer, Sam Lincoln, with the help of his brother, Buster Olney, are raising...
Nov. 2 2010
As the San Francisco Giants clinched the World Series title, I was ecstatic as most long-time central California baseball fans were! 55 years is a long time to wait for a World Series title – years...
Oct. 18 2010
Above all, avoid drug residues. Ship cows in good condition to get top dollar. This article is part of a series being prepared in cooperation with the American Association of Bovine Practitioners
TAMU vet emergency team
June 25 2010
It's not exactly like M*A*S*H, but if you squint there's definitely a similarity. A new team of Texas rangers has been formed that stands ready to serve the state's citizens during times of emergency....
Feb. 26 2010
The organic milk and meat world will change significantly on June 17, when stricter new regulations defining it go into effect. The new standards were announced by USDA earlier this month after several...
Nov. 30 1999
The collaborators and authors of this article include Victor Cabrera, Adam Christensen, Derek Cooper, Joao Dorea, Liliana Fadul, Michael Ferris, Miron Livny, Andrew Maier, Jignesh Patel, Steven Wangen,...
March 10 2021
A little break can be good for our health