Delayed milk ejection — most often presented as a bimodal milk flow curve — occurs when the cisternal milk fraction is removed before the alveolar milk reaches the gland cistern
With only two and a half months left in the year, many dairy producers are preparing to look at their year-end financials and make a gameplan for next year
The National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program will launch Environmental Stewardship (ES) Version 3 in the next few months, helping producers understand on-farm greenhouse gas...
When sexed semen was first marketed to dairy farmers back in 2006, it was initially only recommended for use in dairy heifers because of its reduced fertility
Farming and agriculture – that’s the top answer to that question, up five percentage points from 2023, with a 64% “very and somewhat positive” review, according to a recent Gallup...
The dairy industry celebrated a “Golden Age” all throughout World Dairy Expo week with cutting-edge technology, insightful educational sessions, competitive youth contests, valuable connections,...
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack made an appearance at the last day of World Dairy Expo on Friday, and among the topics he discussed was the timely question of progress on the next farm bill
Society today hears all the buzz about including protein in our everyday lives. But what exactly is it and what role does dairy play when it comes to protein inclusion? In an article, Dairy Management...
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Magic 8 Balls were a hit. Kids across the country felt as though they held the future in their hands, violently shaking the toy until it gave nothing more than a grey...