It’s the most important meal a calf will ever receive, but is it as nutritious as it should be? With no immunity to fight off illness, colostrum is essential within the first few hours of life
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers can be difficult to gauge, and traditionally, they vote with their wallets. That makes labels a vital piece of the purchasing decision
Pinching pennies may be old hat to some, but for others changing the way we think can uncover some untapped income opportunities. Mike Hutjens presented “On-farm feed diagnostics”
Easter and Christmas are the two days when most churches are standing-room only. A person must arrive at church 30 minutes ahead of the start of mass to try to get a seat
Those interested in learning more about crossbreeding had the opportunity to listen to Wes Bluhm, ABS Crossbreeding Manager at ABS Global, at the World Ag Expo
We have come to a fork in the road here at Hillcrest Farms. Like I have said in the past, we are always trying to keep up with technology and stay at the forefront of our industry
Just about every packaged food item at the grocery store comes with an “expiration” or “sell by” date on the label. My inclination is that most people heed these guidelines
A man tall in stature and high in principles. Terry Howard was well-respected in the dairy industry for his nearly 30-year career as a Wisconsin extension dairy specialist, with a focus on feeding and...
“Who gets the farm?” asked the daughter. “We are too young to die. You kids will be taken care of and Jimmy gets the farm,” retorted the dad as he quickly changed the subject