A team at Dairy Management Inc. studies food trends and works with social media influencers and agencies with culinary expertise to keep dairy top of mind with a diverse consumer audience
Just over five years ago, Hancock took control of the breeding program at Prairie View Dairy in Muleshoe, Texas. He found that changes needed to be made — fast
Replacement heifers are one of your most valuable assets on a dairy farm. They are the future of the milking herd and ultimately determine the longevity of your entire herd and business
It wasn’t until I moved to Wisconsin following college that I truly understood what it meant to try to farm in a place where winter seems to last from November to May
This week, the U.S. dairy community took advantage of an opportunity it hadn’t had in three decades when the International Dairy Federation’s (IDF) World Dairy Summit was held on American soil
Guys, it’s October. Which basically means it’s Christmas, right? Do you know one of my favorite things about Christmas? I mean besides family being together, Christmas cookies, the music, and...
Early in my career, a new employer asked me to take a personality test as part of my onboarding. I was an engineer, and I felt strongly that I was not meant for sales
The red carpet was rolled out for World Dairy Expo’s most prestigious sale this year as the World Classic moved from its traditional showring location to The Tanbark
It was a lucky day for Millcreek Lottery Ladyluck as she was selected as Senior Champion and then Grand Champion of the International Milking Shorthorn Show on Thursday for Taylor Graves of Danville, Ky
Although this year’s recipient of the Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award did not grow up on a dairy farm, he witnessed his grandfather manage many successful Guernsey farms
Students from all over the country did well in the 101st National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest on Sunday, but when the final results were announced, top honors returned to the Midwest