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Aug. 4 2011
Homebred Iowa Holstein herd ranks near top for type Vernice and Dan Moon, Monona, Iowa, have been named the third Robert "Whitey" McKown Master Breeder Award winner which will be presented at the 45th...
July 13 2011
We planned to provide more information on groups that help form the farm bill today, but instead will save that for future Wednesdays. Two of our editors had the opportunity to spend the week at the American...
June 29 2011
The Farm Bill needs help. It needs help from both political parties and all regions of our country. But don't panic, this happens quite often – every 5 years or so, in fact. The Farm Bill is said...
May 31 2011
Earlier this month, we were introduced to Anna Gibson, a Washington State University student who is working on a dairy in Tasmania, an Australian island. She shares stories from her first week "down under."...
April 26 2011
Have you ever been in the middle of a huge mess or fight with no exit door? But when you think about it, you're not exactly sure what got you into the chaos in the first place? For those of us in agriculture,...
April 19 2011
We are very familiar with the four H's: (head, heart, hands, and health) in the 4-H pledge. But now the "health for better living" holds even more meaning. According to recent findings from Tufts University,...
April 13 2011
Last week's Cooperative Network Dairy Directors and Leadership Conference slides are now posted. We did mention the Minneapolis Federal Reserve bank's economic outlook last week
April 4 2011
At the Hoard Farm's recent classification, farm manager Jason Yurs and the Hoard's Dairyman editors were discussing the best bulls used over the past decade. Idle Gold E Challenge-ET 1GU418 topped the...
April 4 2011
At the Hoard Farm's recent classification, farm manager Jason Yurs and the Hoard's Dairyman editors were discussing the best bulls used over the past decade. Idle Gold E Challenge-ET 1GU418 topped the...
Feb. 18 2011
TV newscasts and city newspaper articles dote on the idyllic image of small farms while deriding commercial agriculture, all the while blissfully ignorant about which group actually feeds America. But...
Dec. 21 2010
The holidays are usually spent with family and friends,sharing stories and reminiscing about recent activities. If you have a small holiday gathering with just those you work with, you will likely learn...
Nov. 9 2010
The North American 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl contest was held on Saturday, November 6th in Louisville, Ky. Twenty teams competed in the national double-elimination contest which celebrated its 31st year. High...
Oct. 13 2010
When I think of global hunger issues, only one name comes to mind: Norman Borlaug. In college, I never stopped hearing about him - he was an alumni of my alma mater. Borlaug was the winner of the Nobel...
Aug. 23 2010
Two new genomic tests just hit the market. Not only can Holstein breeders test females on the traditional 50K test, but they can also use the just released 3K SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) and
June 23 2010
One of the most successful opportunities to get nonfarm youth excited about the dairy industry we've witnessed is leasing programs through 4-H, FFA, or breed groups. These leasing programs give youth without...
June 16 2010
Known for their component-rich milk, Jersey cows have long been known as the cheese queens. On June 11, the World Jersey Cattle Bureau hosted the second-ever World Jersey Cheese Awards at the breed's namesake...
May 25 2010
Just last week, a dairy farm in Troupsburg, N.Y., was home to a miracle. A difficult calving, thought to end with a dead calf, actually ended up with a live, healthy bull calf with some unique accessories....
April 13 2010
America's top dairy county was host to 30 teams from Universities across North America last week at the annual North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge. In the end it was the home-field advantage...
March 23 2010
On Monday, March 15, American Guernsey Association executive secretary, Seth Johnson, was at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to appraise the Hoard Guernsey herd. Scoring began at 6 a.m. and continued during...
Feb. 23 2010
On Monday, March 15, American Guernsey Association executive secretary, Seth Johnson, was at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm to appraise the Hoard Guernsey herd. Scoring began at 6 a.m. and continued during...