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Nov. 16 2018
I just got home from Kansas City, Mo., where I attended the Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Leaders Conference
CA Prop-12
Nov. 14 2018
California has done it again! You’re welcome!
Nov. 2 2018
Last year, not even one of our employees called in sick because of the flu
hire the person
Oct. 31 2018
I had a unique experience the other day. It is interesting how it all started but even more so how it ended
Oct. 24 2018
I understand that there is a time to be professional and a time to be relaxed
Oct. 22 2018
As an industry we are always looking for more ways to excite and entice the next generation to be involved in the dairy industry. 4-H and FFA programs are a base of education and exposure. The next step...
Oct. 10 2018
If I’m being completely honest, I’ve never fully understood the allure of a cow show. I showed for 11 years in 4-H, but I was in it more for the 4-H than the cow show
Oct. 6 2018
Kyle Barton of Copake, New York was named the 15th Merle Howard Award winner at World Dairy Expo on Saturday, October 6
Oct. 5 2018
Evan Creek of Hagerstown, Md., was presented the 28th Klussendorf-MacKenzie Award during the 52nd World Dairy Expo, in memory of Duncan MacKenzie, the 1961 Klussendorf winner
Oct. 5 2018
For many young people, the next frontier is college and career selection. Since 1954, National 4-H Dairy Conference has done its best to position students to better understand what careers might be a good...
Oct. 4 2018
Whether it’s clipping, leading, doing nightline, or something else, everybody has a way of helping out to make sure the cattle make it to the ring ready for the show
HAE_book signings
Oct. 3 2018
At Hoard’s Dairyman, we are extremely lucky to work with talented professionals from across the entire spectrum of our dairy community
Family Lounge Top
Oct. 3 2018
World Dairy Expo is a family-friendly event, but anyone with young children knows that taking a trip anywhere requires extra planning, both prior to the activity and once you get there
Oct. 2 2018
If you are a cow person and you’ve attended World Dairy Expo, I would wager you have a favorite showring memory
Oct. 2 2018
Juniors have been an important part of World Dairy Expo since its inception. However, 15 years ago, that commitment was taken to a new level when the International Junior Holstein Show became a stand-alone...
Oct. 2 2018
For some attendees, the showring is the heart of World Dairy Expo
Sept. 27 2018
I recently just finished a 5K (5 kilometer) race held in conjunction with the Quad Cities Marathon
Peters Photos (1)
Sept. 26 2018
Being a young farmer has never been easy. We go through the same struggles as our parents when they started out
Sept. 24 2018
National Farmer’s Day is October 12, and it’s a chance for us in agriculture to connect with our dairy-loving consumers and showcase real life on the farm through our social media channels
Sept. 21 2018
This is my last year as an ag communications and journalism student at Utah State University, and being an ag student has its perks and setbacks