Nov. 18 2015
Introducing heifers to the milking barn or parlor before calving may be the ticket to reducing stress. When a dairy heifer has its first calf, its world changes dramatically. A first-lactation heifer is...
Nov. 9 2015
Dairymen invest in heifers today in hopes that they become productive members of the herd in the future. Rearing costs vary from farm to farm, and the only way to truly measure that investment is to crunch...
Oct. 10 2015
Maximize heifers' udder health. Bred heifers represent the future of the milking herd in all dairy operations, and it is critical that udder health be maximized to ensure that these young animals freshen...
Sept. 14 2015
Like babies, calves demand a considerable amount of time, energy and individualized attention
May 7 2015
Compared to their component-fed counterparts, it took TMR-fed heifers a bit longer to catch up
Feb. 9 2015
Soon-to-calve dairy replacement prices were $10 shy of an even $2,000 per head in USDA's latest Agricultural Prices published this January. The $1,990 price was a quoted average for the nation's leading...
Jan. 16 2015
Mastitis threatens your young ladies – and your bottom line – long before they reach the milking parlor. Heifer mastitis is real, it is costly, and dairy scientists say it is more common than...
Dec. 15 2014
Most farms pay close attention to reproduction in the milking herd; heifers are often another story. Location, facilities and time in the day often impact the reproductive performance of the heifer herd,...
Nov. 18 2014
If the time has come to build a new heifer facility on your farm, it is wise to do your homework before the construction crew moves in
Feb. 25 2014
Tighter heifer management could be a window of opportunity for many herds. A heifer needs to make about 33,000 pounds of milk to repay her rearing costs, said Cheryl Marti, a dairy production specialist...
Feb. 18 2014
"If you don't want to graze your cows, at least consider rotationally grazing your heifers." That was the advice given by Larry Tranel, Iowa State Extension Dairy Specialist, at an Iowa Dairy Days meeting...
Feb. 3 2014
It costs money to raise your calves and heifers. Should you invest in facilities and raise your own replacements? Would you be better served utilizing a custom grower? Should you raise every heifer, or...
Dec. 31 2013
By improving heat detection efficiency, reducing heat detection errors and honing our inseminating skills, we can get more heifers bred. When it comes to heifer fertility, reproductive experts say to focus...
Nov. 4 2013
Breeding heifers on body weight alone may not be in your best interest, according to Pat Hoffman, dairy specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He shared information about heifer breeding...
Oct. 8 2013
If done well, grazing can lower forage costs and still maintain growth rates for dairy replacements. Raising calves and heifers can be the second largest cost on a dairy operation, shared David Combs,...
Sept. 24 2013
Rearing costs are high, but calving heifers too early may adversely impact lifetime milk production. by Abby (Huibregtse) Bauer, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor The earlier a heifer enters the milking...
Aug. 25 2013
A well-managed farm always has an abundant supply of high-quality forage and an abundant supply of high-quality heifers."
Nov. 12 2012
Every dairy conference has a presentation that unexpectedly makes you sit up straighter, listen closer and think harder
Nov. 9 2012
Utah veterinarian and dairy consultant Bob Corbett (pictured) doesn't look like a rabble-rouser, but he's a real militant when it comes to blowing up long-held ideas about feeding calves and heifers
Aug. 31 2012
Usually out of sight in the back of the dairy, replacements are also often out of mind when it comes to providing cooling relief during hot weather. But research has repeatedly shown that younger animals...