Nov. 4 2019
Corn silage’s energy comes from the high moisture portion of the plant. That grain portion is approximately 65 percent of the total plant’s energy
Oct. 18 2019
World Dairy Expo is not only home to one of the most historic dairy shows across the globe, but it also hosts crucial forage seminars throughout the week for producers and attendees to gain inventive knowledge
Sept. 30 2019
Much of the 2019 corn silage crop is now harvested or soon will be. After three to four weeks in storage, odor and color can tell you a lot about how well silage fermented
Sept. 30 2019
From spring planting right up to the fall harvest, it’s been a challenging cropping season across many parts of the nation
Sept. 2 2019
If at all possible, dairy personnel putting up corn silage this fall should aim to store like forages with like forages
Aug. 26 2019
While most farmers in the South and West already have their corn silage safely stored away, many in the Midwest and Northeast are still wondering if their corn will reach maturity
June 3 2019
Although starch isn’t listed as a required nutrient by any dairy cattle nutrition document, its impact is absolutely felt in the bulk tank
March 18 2019
If you’ve ever had gelled diesel fuel in your tractors or trucks, you know it makes it pretty difficult to get the engine running
Feb. 10 2019
The business decision to purchase seed, grow, harvest, and then incorporate reduced-lignin forages into your high-performing dairy diets is more than a nutritional balancing act
Dec. 3 2018
Within the last few weeks, nutritionists and dairies from southeast Minnesota, Wisconsin, and New York have shared a common discouraging observation
Aug. 27 2018
As corn silage harvest season moves north across the United States, along with it comes an important reminder: farmers only have one chance to put up this staple crop
July 20 2018
As farmers get their choppers, trucks, and tractors ready to chop and store corn silage, there is one other thing they should plan out ahead of time this chopping season – testing your kernel processor
July 2 2018
SilageSnap, a new app available this July for your mobile device, can provide dairy producers and custom operators an accurate method for checking the kernel processor roller settings during harvest
Aug. 24 2017
We started chopping our corn silage July 20 this year and finished chopping August 18. It has definitely been one of the longest silage seasons I have ever encountered. We planted a good bit more corn
Aug. 7 2017
As the corn silage harvest nears, some dairy farmers will be negotiating with corn growers on the price for corn silage or high-moisture corn
July 11 2012
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives July 9, 2012: "New corn silage utilization for dairy rations" presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois Brought to you by Biotal Forage Inoculants. Learn more...