Jan. 21 2021
It’s January cold here in Georgia. No ice or snow, just that cuts-you-like-a-knife wind and rain
Jan. 20 2021
I had a great opportunity the other day to chat with an expecting dad who knew nothing about dairy. Soon after, I realized I may be a bad influence
Jan. 18 2021
Farmers and agriculturalists have always known that their industry never takes a day off
Jan. 18 2021
It may have taken a little bit longer to appear, but since the coronavirus began reaching rural areas, there has been no stopping it
Jan. 15 2021
On January 5, 2020, my friends and I were on our way to spend 10 days in China with the Cornell University Dairy Fellows program
Jan. 14 2021
The world is a weird place filled with uncertainty. Last year illustrated this, but sadly we were only a handful of days into the new year when 2021 documented this, too
Jan. 13 2021
It’s no secret that more and more farmers are feeling the call to share their lives on social media. As one of those farmers, I say it’s a calling that you eventually can’t ignore
Dec. 31 2020
The year 2020 will be a memorable one for many reasons, although there are certain parts we may want to forget. Through it all, there has been good amid the chaos
Dec. 18 2020
Twas the week before Christmas, and all across the world, COVID-19 was raging, a new year ‘bout to unfurl
Dec. 17 2020
For me, social media and blogging has been both a blessing and a struggle. To be honest, sometimes lately it’s more of the latter
Dec. 16 2020
I’m not going to lie to you: You haven’t been my favorite year. Just like every January, I had all the big expectations
Dec. 11 2020
I’ve had the same sticker on the back window of my now-rusted-out Pontiac G6 for 10 years
Dec. 9 2020
Wow, it has been a long day. It has been a long, trying, terribly good bad day. It’s been one of those days where you walk in the house in nothing but your undies
Dec. 8 2020
If there ever was a year that needed the joy of the holiday spirit, it’d be 2020. It’s undoubtedly been a long and crazy year
Dec. 4 2020
Dairy farming is traditionally thought of as a generational vocation. Farms are handed down from parents to children over time, or from an owner to a successor
Dec. 3 2020
As a farm mom and wife, you get pretty good about waiting, or at least I have
Dec. 2 2020
I’m writing this through tears of anger, frustration, disbelief, and exhaustion. I am so tired of being a farmer
Dec. 1 2020
I have a notebook where I dump everything from my brain. Thoughts, to-do lists, goals . . . you name it, it’s all there
Nov. 25 2020
Let’s talk about fog really quick, shall we? In my hometown, we get some pretty impressive fog