Nov. 8 2021
Merriam-Webster states stress is: “. . . a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, etc.” Almost everyone experiences daily stress, as it is pretty much unavoidable
Sept. 3 2021
On this Labor Day holiday, people may be enjoying a day off from their job to relax and celebrate the unofficial closing of summer. But for many essential workers, that’s simply not possible
Feb. 15 2021
If you were standing next to someone who was having a heart attack, what would you do?
Nov. 20 2020
For many of us, the last Friday the 13th (back in March) was the last normal day we had, and the first day we realized how serious this pandemic really was
July 29 2020
One of the reasons mental health struggles are running rampant in ag communities is because it’s hard to open up to a professional about our lives when they don’t understand our job
July 21 2020
Summer seems to be the time when farm life can take its greatest toll on our physical and mental health
June 12 2020
My parents bought a farm that came with a house. The house ended up being a bit of a fixer-upper . . . I’m talking very little siding, negligible plumbing, and small animals in the walls
May 6 2020
If you’ve been following my blogs or my social media, you know what mental health in agriculture means to me. In fact, two of the most honest and open things I’ve ever put out into the world...
Jan. 29 2020
I want to start this by saying that I am not a licensed professional. I am just a farmer who knows how it feels to be at the end of your rope with what seems like no way to crawl back from the darkness
Nov. 15 2019
Lately, mental health has been a circulating concern and the topic of a lot of conversations
July 31 2019
I usually write this blog on Monday to be published on Wednesday. So today, for me, is Monday. Over the last year, I’ve been a little more open about my mental health struggles, but after the last...
Feb. 19 2019
Coming off of the beginning of the year that seemed to have 400 days in just one month, I've seen far too many posts from farmers feeling the weight of winter going on into February
Aug. 15 2018
Farmers are certainly the last of a dying breed. I’ve watched them fight through snowstorms, hurricanes, wildfires, and floods. I’ve known farmers who have worked through migraines, pneumonia,...
June 11 2018
Despair, depression, or even a sense of no other way out of a problem can cause people to do the unthinkable — take their own life