Sept. 15 2023
The author is a partner and large animal veterinarian at Thumb Veterinary Services in Deckerville, Mich. What a difference a year makes!Mark Fox, D.V.M.The year 2022 will go down in the dairy books as...
Sept. 7 2023
In Alan Jackson’s song, “Summertime Blues,” he discusses how, as a teenager, you work all summer and do not have the opportunity to enjoy it. That perspective most likely resonates with...
Aug. 31 2023
My social media news feeds are about 20% updates from family and friends, 20% communication with other veterinarians about cases and practice, 40% a waste of time with someone trying to sell me something...
Aug. 30 2023
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. My nearly one year old son just began walking. To be fair, he is just taking a few steps and falling on his bottom, but I’m counting it! Watching...
Aug. 24 2023
I recently had one of those moments of frustration that turned to humility. As farmers, running 24/7/365 is the life. We have a very high stress job because so many different entities depend on us each...
Aug. 21 2023
The National Dairy FARM Program has evolved over the years to become a rigorous on-farm quality assurance program and trusted industry risk mitigation tool that gives the supply chain the confidence it...
Aug. 18 2023
As we were moving some cows and heifers to our calving pen today, it hit me that the cattle we were moving all have due dates further out than my own
Aug. 17 2023
In years past, while milking in the parlor, labeling an animal as a cull cow was pretty straightforward
Aug. 15 2023
Two years ago, an antibiotic saved my life
Aug. 14 2023
When administering animal medications or reproductive hormones as part of a synchronization protocol, product placement is very important
July 31 2023
The day of a cattle show can be stressful. Having someone follow the cows around with a manure pan is crucial in order to catch any excrement that comes out the back side
July 27 2023
Last night, I came home late from ball practice. A few months ago, I started assisting a travel softball team that consists of 8- to 10-year-olds
June 26 2023
As humans, we find companionship with animals. This comes in the form of pets in our homes, wildlife we observe, and the livestock we work with on farms
June 19 2023
During the June Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, speaker Lily Edwards-Callaway started her presentation by sharing a well-known message written by our company’s founder, W.D. Hoard
June 15 2023
As dairy farmers, our life is lead wide open each and every day
June 12 2023
Human and animal interactions: Impacts on cows and caregivers is presented by: Lily Edwards-Callaway, Colorado State University
June 5 2023
Many farms have protocols written to help keep cows healthy
June 5 2023
During my reign as the 2022 Virginia Dairy Princess, I was asked a particularly interesting question, “What do you think cows would say if they could talk?”
June 2 2023
It’s the most wonderful month of the year!
June 1 2023
Disease can have a significant impact on both dairy cattle welfare and the financial success of the entire dairy industry