For many of us, busy days are good days. Some of us even thrive on the really hectic, busy days. I have observed, over the years, the dairy farmers who are hardcore throttle enthusiasts
The nation’s signature animal care and milk quality program, which demonstrates to customers and consumers alike that dairy farmers are upholding the highest standards
Bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis, or bovine TB) has long been recognized to transmit between cattle and from cattle or cattle products to humans
Compared to our beloved dairy cows, I rarely give compliments to the other large animals — the equines — that our vet team commonly encounters in our daily travels
About 50% of dairy cows will be affected by lameness during their productive life, resulting in economic losses, poor health, and suboptimal animal welfare
Negative images about animal care practices are a bane of the contemporary livestock industry. Undercover videos, out-of-context images, and outright manipulation of visuals are tools of anti-animal