Jan. 21 2021
A global recession wasn’t in the plans for 2020, but then COVID-19 struck, and the pandemic swiftly shook economies around the world
Jan. 18 2021
It wasn’t the year anyone predicted in the dairy industry, but according to University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mark Stephenson, in terms of milk price, 2020 was better than we thought
Jan. 14 2021
After riding the rocky waves of 2020, all in the dairy industry are hoping for smoother sailing in the year ahead when it comes to milk prices. But do agricultural economists see calmer waters in our future?
Jan. 13 2021
Pandemic, prices, and PPDs . . . What will 2021 offer?Mark Stephenson, Directory of Dairy Policy Analysis, University of Wisconsin-MadisonSponsored by Cargill Stephenson looked at the continued impact...
Dec. 24 2020
Feed is a major expense on any dairy farm, so it is critical to select ingredients for the ration that make nutritional and financial sense
Dec. 15 2020
Improved methods for comparing the economic value of feedpresented by: Bill Weiss, The Ohio State Universitysponsored by: QLFBill Weiss, a professor of dairy cattle nutrition at The Ohio State Univers
Nov. 16 2020
Mike Hutjens, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois, and Mike Rankin, managing editor of Hay and Forage Grower, present “A feed and forage outlook for the year ahead.” Areas of drought, derecho...
Nov. 16 2020
While dry hay once dominated alfalfa production, certain parts of the country have come to rely more on alfalfa haylage over time
Nov. 16 2020
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadpresented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois, and Mike Rankin, Hay & Forage Grower magazinesponsored by Kuhn Areas of drought, derecho strai
Nov. 12 2020
As the harvest season comes to an end, farms may find themselves with excess forage, the right amount of forage, or not enough forage to feed their herd in the year ahead
Oct. 13 2020
Mastitis management through milk cultures presented by Mike Zurakowski, D.V.M., Quality Milk Production Services, Mike Zurakowski, D.V.M., with Cornell University’s Animal Health Diagnostics
Sept. 21 2020
Calcium and the transition cow presented by Garrrett Oetzel, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
Sept. 14 2020
Gary Oetzel, D.V.M., a professor for the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine, presented “Calcium and the transition cow”. Calcium is a key determinant of transition period success...
Aug. 11 2020
Feeding and management for robotic milking system success was presented by Jim Salfer, University of Minnesota Extension
July 20 2020
Dairy calf care broadly affects behavior, including social interactions and feeding patterns, which impact calf performance and welfare. Miller-Cushon will discuss how early life experiences further influence...
July 13 2020
Dairy calf care broadly affects behavior, including social interactions and feeding patterns, which impact calf performance and welfare. Miller-Cushon will discuss how early life experiences further influence...
June 12 2020
Milk: What can lactation teach us about diet and healthpresented by: Bruce German from the University of California-Davis German is a professor and the director of the Foods for Healt
May 18 2020
Dairy herds have made great strides in reproductive efficiency over the years. One only has to look at numbers from just two decades ago to note these remarkable improvements
May 12 2020
The implications of high pregnancy rates on reproductive strategiespresented by Paul Fricke, University of Wisconsin-Madison
April 16 2020
An update on feed additives with a B vitamin focus The discussion included economic considerations, evaluation strategies, and transition cow benefits