Oct. 18 2011
A recent special occasion created an opportunity to educate consumers about dairying.Last month my sister got married to a nonagricultural young man. He loves being on the dairy, helping feed calves, tossing...
Oct. 17 2011
The program, with the help of local farmers, aims to teach school children about where their food comes from. Earlier this year, the USDA introduced a new version of the food pyramid known as MyPlate
Sept. 28 2011
If you haven't heard, both HSUS and PETA are emotion-driven organizations with the goal to have animals as equals to humans. Fans flocking to Green Bay will see a billboard placed by one of their front...
Aug. 29 2011
"People really do think their food comes from the store in cans, boxes, and bottles," was what I wrote to our western editor in a recent email
Aug. 23 2011
The romanticism of farmers and cowboys has been portrayed in movies and on television for decades. The strong jaw lines, those rugged looks, wholesome smile, yet a sweet spot in their hearts for their...
Aug. 19 2011
A little bit of dairy pageantry may go a long way with a consumer. For 25 years, the Wisconsin State Fair has been the site of the Wisconsin Holstein Futurity. That, in itself, may seem relatively unremarkable....
Aug. 16 2011
Where dairy farms are plentiful, the tradition continues. Bill Barlass explains some plans for the future to the crowd during last night's twilight meeting at Barlass Jerseys. If you live on a dairy farm,...
July 30 2011
With hay to make, machinery to repair, and cows to keep cool, this summer's farm work may seem never ending. What better way to take a break than to head out to the fair. Many fairs may have already occurred,...
July 23 2011
The Bucknell Nutrition Conference, held in Lewisburg Pa., concluded with a presentation by Andy Vance, an agricultural journalist, commentator, and entrepreneur. One of the first questions he posed to...
July 7 2011
While partaking in 4th of July festivities, my friend's sister-in-law discovered that I had grown up in the dairy industry. She took advantage of this opportunity to pick my brain on a variety of topics,...
June 15 2011
Most June dairy celebrations have come and gone, but June Dairy Month still has 15 days to go. Are you finding ways to celebrate, educate, or at least partake in three servings of dairy each day? With...
June 7 2011
Last weekend several members of the Hoard's Dairyman staff had the opportunity to attend and volunteer at Cows on the Concourse on the square surrounding Madison's capitol building. A dedicated group of...
June 3 2011
That's how we enthusiastically feel about one of our favorite websites celebrating its first birthday. HumaneWatch.org turned 1 recently, and what a present it has been for everyone who hates deceptive...
May 26 2011
"A few special interest groups have managed to hi-jack the term ‘animal welfare' and managed to create the illusion that they are the animal welfare experts", said Jennifer Walker, D.V.M., at the...
April 28 2011
If you are an active online agriculturalist (or "agvocate" as it is termed in pro-agriculture Twitter and Facebook circles like #AgChat), you have probably realized that the New York Times and its associated...
March 29 2011
Whole Foods Market is phasing in a new five-step animal welfare rating program for all chicken, beef, and pork products (Click here for their animal welfare page). At the least, all animal products must...
March 8 2011
Last week, I had the opportunity to attend the seventh Young Dairy Leaders Institute in Albuquerque, New Mex. This two-year leadership program is sponsored by the Holstein Foundation and a nationally recognized...
Feb. 25 2011
What, pray tell, is a factory farm? Of the labels bandied about by anti-animal ag activists and the media, the terms factory farming and factory farm, with the negative connotation they've taken on, irk...
Nov. 22 2010
While driving home yesterday, I heard the end of a radio show with some interesting content. It prompted me to look into the topic a bit more. We see leaders as very confident spokespersons. But, the radio...
Nov. 15 2010
This title is an often-heard phase. It tells us to select the best person to accomplish a given task. It makes sense. If you are good with numbers, work with finance. Good with your hands, choose tasks...