May 31 2024
In this blog, you will find a simple guide to build a trustworthy website for your dairy farm
April 10 2024
Jumping on current social media trends is a fun and relevant way for us to promote dairy products and farming in general
July 15 2023
The author and her family own and operate a 570-cow Holstein and Jersey dairy near Berlin, Pa.For Katheryn Bosley, getting people excited about learning about dairy is a rewarding way to support her industry....
Jan. 11 2023
Advocating with your story can be scary, but the truth lies in the middle, not the extremes
Oct. 19 2022
Students are an important part of telling our agriculture story
Aug. 8 2022
Why am I excited for my year as Fairest of the Fair? I’m glad you asked!
Aug. 1 2022
Take a couple of advocating tips with you to the fair this summer
July 15 2022
Engaging with our consumers builds trust as we share the stories of our farms
June 9 2022
“If you build it, they will come.” That line comes from the movie “Field of Dreams,” where a baseball diamond was constructed in the middle of an Iowa cornfield
May 31 2022
Agricultural women are tough, but we can still benefit from the experiences of others
April 20 2022
Asking questions connects us better than making assumptions
Feb. 21 2022
Telling dairy’s story – the accomplishments and challenges this industry faces – is becoming more important with each year
Jan. 31 2022
Are you thinking about advocating more for dairy and dairy farming in 2022? That's great, and I highly encourage it
Nov. 16 2021
Animal rights extremists will go to great length to make their opinions known; don’t let them disrupt your farm
Aug. 11 2021
Social media can be an intimidating place, but sharing your story is important and can be fun
June 15 2021
Many common practices on dairy farms are subject to criticism by consumers and other stakeholders. During the webinar, von Keyserlingk will review approaches that have created concern in the past and discuss...
June 10 2021
“The reason every single cattle veterinarian and cattle producer entered the business is because they like cows,” remarked Fred Gingrich on the June 2 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream...
June 10 2021
Colorado Ballot Initiative 16 is one of the most ambitious ballot strategies pursued in the name of pushing animal agriculture into extinction
June 10 2021
Krysta Harden’s work ethic matches that of any U.S. dairy farmer. As a daughter of multigeneration Georgia peanut farmers, Harden knows the value of a full day’s work on the family farm
June 7 2021
From my standpoint, this is the most onerous initiative that has ever come to light. When it comes to livestock agriculture, it is going for the jugular