April 25 2022
While weak milk production across the major dairy exporters has pushed milk prices to new record highs around the world, problems are surfacing on the demand side. The biggest demand problem is China
June 22 2021
FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative approves of the additional aid that was announced today by Secretary Vilsack for agricultural producers and businesses as part of the USDA Pandemic Assistance for Producers
May 17 2021
The year that was 2020 will long be remembered as a year when the unthinkable happened . . . a global pandemic that nearly halted economic activity for a period of time
May 3 2021
Moving through the spring flush, dairy markets have climbed with a focus on the anticipation of widespread reopening of food service and the broader service sector
April 29 2021
More than a year ago, the global health pandemic put many aspects of life on pause. Farmers faced their share of disruptions and challenges, but the daily work had to be done
April 29 2021
In so many businesses, COVID-19 has caused a fundamental change in the way sales are done
April 29 2021
Just like dairy farmers and dairy retailers, dairy product processors have been forced to learn a lot over the past 13 months as they attempt to balance supply and demand
March 17 2021
After a year filled with trials and tribulations, dairy farmers remained as hardworking and resilient as ever
March 16 2021
Even in an upside-down year, dairy has remained essential
Feb. 22 2021
It’s refreshing and optimistic to turn the calendar to a new year, but the ramifications of COVID-19 on dairy’s economic health are far from over
Feb. 4 2021
The United States is nearly one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, and the disease has changed both social and societal norms across the country
Feb. 1 2021
Using vaccines to prevent painful or deadly illnesses in cattle and other livestock is something all farmers are familiar with
Jan. 21 2021
Even as the dairy community heralded the completion of work last month on another package of COVID-19 relief legislation, we already knew that 2021 would begin under unprecedented conditions
Jan. 21 2021
A global recession wasn’t in the plans for 2020, but then COVID-19 struck, and the pandemic swiftly shook economies around the world
Jan. 18 2021
It may have taken a little bit longer to appear, but since the coronavirus began reaching rural areas, there has been no stopping it
Jan. 18 2021
Much discussion has unfolded surrounding the income boost to dairy producers from government policy aimed to help offset the effects of COVID-19
Jan. 14 2021
With the coming of the new year, how many times have you heard or thought, “Thanks goodness 2020 is over”?
Dec. 31 2020
The year 2020 will be a memorable one for many reasons, although there are certain parts we may want to forget. Through it all, there has been good amid the chaos
Nov. 30 2020
More U.S. dairy products have likely moved through government programs in 2020 than at any other point in the past 30 years. How much of an impact have those purchases had on dairy prices?
Nov. 19 2020
This year has been stressful for just about everyone, and children are no exception. In fact, children are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of stress and anxiety due to their developing brains...