July 11 2012
Hoard's Dairyman Webinar Archives July 9, 2012: "New corn silage utilization for dairy rations" presented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois Brought to you by Biotal Forage Inoculants. Learn more...
July 10 2012
This webinar explores new options for traditional corn silage. From snaplage to shredlage, and rumen fermentation measurements all are covered
June 1 2012
In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in the use of foliar (leaf) fungicide treatments. That extra attention has paralleled the steady upward climb in grain prices. Industry estimates...
May 10 2012
Subsurface drainage often is called "tile drainage," but as practiced today, that's a misnomer since very few drainage installations in farm fields still are done with clay tiles. Modern drainage systems...
April 26 2012
Within farm nutrient variation, estimates are needed to determine feed sampling and ration re-formulation schedules. by Hoard's Dairyman staff "Good ration formulation is a form of risk management. Diets...
April 12 2012
As a Green Tier participant, Holsum Dairies, LLC, Hilbert, Wis., has a commitment to environmental stewardship. "We are environmentally conscious and want to know the impact our practices have," noted...
April 10 2012
As yields improve over time, a picture of how to manage corn for optimal silage performance has emerged. The yield march continues for corn silage, according to Joe Lauer, University of Wisconsin extension...
April 10 2012
Nature always has a way to restore balance. In the chase to capture the highest possible returns, countless crop farmers turned a blind eye to Mother Nature and planted continual rotations of corn, soybeans,...
March 30 2012
Mahanna is with Pioneer, a DuPont Business, and is an adjunct professor at Iowa State University; Thomas is retired from the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute and president of Oak Point...
March 12 2012
We have some bonus coverage from our February 25 Round Table, "Forage and tillage practices that work for them." The dairy producers discuss more on controlling weeds and insects
Jan. 30 2012
Demand was so strong for the cover crop that seed inventory sold-out last year. "I conducted my initial research on cover crops and literally had to beg to get on agenda's at crop meetings," recalled University...
Jan. 26 2012
"Alfalfa and grass aren't the same, but they can be complementary to each other," noted Jim Paulson with the University of Minnesota. Paulson along with Paul Peterson, University of Minnesota, shared...
Jan. 12 2012
USDA projected a larger-than-expected U.S. corn and soybean crop in their year-end "Crop Production 2011 Summary" released early Thursday. Most market analysts had anticipated that final 2011 corn estimates...
Dec. 29 2011
Ears per acre jumps concurrently. An average row width of 30 inches most common. With an average of 30,750 plants per acre as of November, Iowa corn producers planted the highest density per acre, besting...
Nov. 15 2011
Now that the harvest season is nearly complete, mailboxes and computer inboxes will be filled with seed catalogs and silage plot results. We thought it might be helpful to offer a silage plot report primer...
Nov. 8 2011
Mahanna is with Pioneer, a DuPont Business, and is an adjunct professor at Iowa State University; Thomas is retired from the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute and president of Oak Point...
Oct. 27 2011
The deadline, November 1, 2011, is quickly approaching for anyone who grows alfalfa to share their experiences with and opinions on the Roundup Ready product
Oct. 21 2011
Anyone shopping for corn or hay supplies may be in store for a challenge well into next year. Last week, USDA reaffirmed its bushels-per-acre estimate for the 2011 corn crop at 148.1, the lowest in six...
Sept. 19 2011
"For many corn growers, the 2011 growing season came to an end late last week over much of northern Wisconsin," notes University of Wisconsin's corn specialist, Joe Lauer. "Corn in many areas had not...
Sept. 10 2011
Surplus moisture during vegetative growth appears to have the greatest effect on reducing NDFD (neutral detergent fiber digestibility)