Sept. 6 2023
In 2021, rains came on time and in the right quantities, and the corn made some of the best yields we’ve seen. But as we all know, there’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and lip — or...
Sept. 4 2023
“This harvest for silage is going to be different, but let’s embrace the opportunity at hand and manage what we can,” said John Goeser during the August Hoard’s Dairyman webinar....
Aug. 28 2023
In parts of the country that haven’t chopped corn for silage yet, the anticipation grows in regard to when the crop will be ready and how good the feed will be. During the August Hoard’s Dairyman...
Aug. 24 2023
Optimizing corn harvest for silage under variable growing conditionspresented by John Goeser, Rock River Laboratorysponsored by Lallemand During this session, Goeser will lean on hi
Aug. 14 2023
While I was searching for information sources to use for a different writing assignment, I came across a Penn State Extension article that discussed managing weeds
Aug. 10 2023
Utilizing cover crops is a sort of agronomic “Choose your own adventure” game with many species that can work, for multiple purposes, and various ways to establish and rotate them
July 17 2023
There’s something about the warm glow of summer sunshine that puts everything into the perfect light
July 10 2023
When it comes to sustainability, the dairy industry often gets a bad rap
June 21 2023
Indulge me for just a moment. I have a complaint to file with Mother Nature. For crying out loud, let it rain
June 19 2023
Mild moisture stress early in the season is often not extremely detrimental to corn when subsurface moisture has been adequate, but what about other crops?
June 15 2023
Dry conditions have persisted through much of the early growing season so far in many places around the country, which was helpful for planting but has been concerning for young plant growth
June 8 2023
On a trip to Michigan last week, a common theme among the conversations we had with farmers was the need for rain
June 1 2023
As the season rolls on, many baseball teams are recognizing mid-season adjustments are necessary to improve their chances for success. In baseball, success is defined by achieving the postseason and advancing
May 12 2023
I know they are a weed, but I still think dandelions are pretty
May 8 2023
During my time working as a county-based extension educator, one of the questions I was asked most often was the going rate for custom work
May 4 2023
Agronomically speaking, healthier corn plants equate to improved crop performance and yield. Crop protection practices resulting in healthier corn likely also contribute to more efficiency with nutrient...
April 26 2023
Each region has its own weather pattern and thus, its own cropping schedule. In late February I was talking to a dairyman down in Louisiana who was gearing up for corn planting the next week
April 18 2023
For many readers, first cut will be just around the corner as you read this article. To say the least, unlocking the energy in your forages to fuel herd performance is a top priority during first cutting...
April 13 2023
“Events that happen halfway around the world matter to you,” stated Josh Linville at the 99th USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum with the “you” being U.S. farmers and those who work...
Feb. 23 2023
Over the past few weeks, our Goeser household has had a fair amount of sluggish behavior following bacterial and viral-borne illnesses that ran through our family