Oct. 22 2024
Navigating relationships is part of being a human, but that doesn’t mean it is easy. Miscommunications, unclear expectations, and unaligned priorities can all throw a wrench into how we build bonds
Aug. 1 2024
Heifer buyers today will leave the sale barn with a dent in their pocketbooks. On the other hand, farmers who are selling their heifers are leaving with smiles on their faces
June 20 2024
Inflation affects our daily lives in all aspects, but do we understand its meaning and how it applies to agriculture?
June 6 2024
As we switch gears into a new season, it is a good time to look at the current dairy situation and estimate what might happen in the months ahead
March 11 2024
When USDA released its data on the number of dairy farms licensed to sell milk in 2023, it came as a surprise to no one that there were fewer farms milking cows than there had been the year before
Feb. 5 2024
After a dozen weeks of testimony and cross-examination spread over six months, the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) public hearing concluded on Tuesday, January 30
Nov. 27 2023
Hay stocks were at near-record lows as of May 1 of this year. In October, USDA forecast that 2023 alfalfa hay production would be up about 1% from last year and grass hay up 0.8%
Nov. 20 2023
We’ve seen a sharp increase in prices for dry whey, whey protein concentrate (WPC), and whey protein isolate (WPI) in the past three months, along with a little strength in permeate and lactose
Nov. 16 2023
With milk production staying within a narrow range of little change, demand for dairy products is the main driver for price changes
Nov. 13 2023
It would be useful if we could look into a crystal ball and see what the dairy industry was going to be like in 2024
Oct. 24 2023
My niece stopped by for a school project last week. They were talking about “big digit problems” in math and looking at real-life examples where lots of numbers come into play
Oct. 19 2023
Personally, professionally, or both, everyone has likely felt like they were spinning their wheels at one point or another in their life
July 10 2023
In the economic engine that is the U.S., 3% of America’s gross domestic product (GDP) is supported by the dairy industry, reports the International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA)
Feb. 27 2023
Although some prices are showing signs of easing, high price tags on dairy products facing consumers are persisting into early 2023
Feb. 6 2023
It is time the dairy industry has a serious discussion about improving and modernizing the price discovery tools used to value milk and dairy products
Feb. 6 2023
While some dairy producers eked out a profit during the first half of 2021, others in the western U.S. even lost money
Feb. 2 2023
Just like a rollercoaster, milk prices have been moving up and down within very short periods. Consider that in January 2022, the All-Milk price started at $24.20 per hundredweight (cwt.)
Jan. 30 2023
There’s a 65% chance of a recession