School cafeterias are a gateway for millions of United States schoolchildren to receive access to nourishing meals that include fruits, vegetables, and dairy foods
We all know the sad story surrounding fluid milk consumption. Since the 1940s, milk consumption per capita has been trending downward in the United States. The good news is that consumption of dairy products...
Of milk’s 13 essential nutrients, there is one that doesn’t grab many headlines but should be a key reason why people keep dairy in their diet. While protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins A...
The Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act marked significant progress earlier this month when it passed the House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce on a 26-13 bipartisan vote
While alternative beverages seem to get more positive press coverage these days than fluid milk sales, dairy team members from two grocery chains acknowledged that milk remains as the major player
Most would agree that milk is an important part of a child’s diet, but the value of dairy doesn’t diminish as we get older. Recent research conducted at the University of Kansas Medical Center...
FDA’s split-decision draft guidance on plant-based beverage labeling offered last month gave everyone something to be mad about. For dairy producers and consumers, the fact the agency would allow...
New research has been all over the headlines recently for suggesting that children who drink whole milk are 39% less likely to be overweight than children who drink reduced fat or skim milk
We hear it over and over again, that fluid milk consumption is declining. This is true, but we should remember that milk remains a staple in most American households
“Milk prices are top of mind for dairy producers,” said Marilyn Hershey, a Pennsylvania dairy woman who is chair of the Dairy Management Inc. board of directors