Jan. 17 2025
Milking fresh heifers for the first time can be a stressful and hazardous experience for both milking technicians and cattle alike
Oct. 16 2024
Delayed milk ejection — most often presented as a bimodal milk flow curve — occurs when the cisternal milk fraction is removed before the alveolar milk reaches the gland cistern
July 15 2024
Training new employees in milking procedure always reminds me of the importance of timing in the barn
Jan. 8 2024
Harvesting milk must be done safely, effectively, and efficiently to ensure a good experience for the cows as well as the people working with them
Dec. 22 2023
Transition cows can be a challenge when it comes to balancing energy and nutrition
Aug. 21 2023
Anyone who has milked cows in a parlor has likely noticed that certain members of a herd have preferences for when they come in to be milked. There always seem to be cows that tend to wait around and make...
Feb. 16 2023
For the past few weeks, we have been keeping our eye on one amazing cow that has far exceeded our production expectations
Nov. 24 2021
Milk is the number one crop harvested on a dairy farm. Just like how equipment settings can affect the soil of a field and the crop harvested from it, we know that how the milking procedure
Nov. 24 2021
“We don’t have robot cows and nonrobot cows,” Cornell’s Paul Virkler said as way of introducing his comments during the November 17 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream. “Cows...
Nov. 22 2021
Like all dairy farmers, Scott Ferry keeps an eye out for any way to become more efficient on his family’s farm. One strategy he has adopted has raised milk production 2.5 pounds per cow per day
Nov. 22 2021
One of the leading indicators of a good milking procedure is meeting the industry standard for two-minute flow rate. This metric indicates the amount of milk letdown within the first two minutes
Oct. 28 2020
I learned something new, and I felt like this was the audience to share it with. I am a huge fan of cold milk
Oct. 25 2019
As new technologies emerge, milking cows robotically continues to gain interest and adoption, but there’s a gap between research and farm level application
April 15 2019
We have been taught there are steps to follow when milking a cow. Books have been written about protocols in the parlor . . . but do they always get followed?
Feb. 12 2019
I used to milk cows one-handed. I have two hands, but I only ever prepped and stripped cows with my right hand
Dec. 14 2018
Finals week is around the corner and many college students, like myself, are trying to stay motivated to finish this semester strong. I thought comparing college finals to milking cows would be a fun way...
March 17 2017
This webinar will review a Dairy Comp305 parlor performance summary
March 17 2017
Ah, that new car feel . . . It’s different, better, and exciting . . . all at the same time. As I watched our March webinar, “Making use of all that parlor data,” I instantly made the...
Sept. 26 2016
Cows must be milked twice or three times per day, 365 days of the year. For this reason, the milking center is an extremely vital part of every dairy farm.There are primarily two types of milking facilities...
Sept. 26 2016
During the 18-month study that included 53 farms, visits per day and milking speed were the two most influential cow level factors. Both of these played a determining role in the amount of milk produced...