Chipotle video

by Amanda Smith, Associate Editor

Chipotle has struck again. Its recent release of the cartoon video "Scarecrow" coincides with the launch of an iPhone game that sets modern agriculture in a rather gloomy light. Yet, while the company takes an antiprogress stance, they themselves are not that small - with revenues of $2.73 billion.

As the Center for Consumer Freedom noted, "Chipotle takes issue with modern livestock farms and the use of antibiotics, hormones and animal housing. Relying on a cartoon underscores, however, that this is a marketing strategy, not a means to present a realistic picture of agriculture."

As drought has plagued beef production across the nation, they loosened their antibiotic-free stance to fulfill restaurant demands.

Instead of criticizing and drawing attention to their brand, though, we should embrace this as an opportunity to build bridges with local consumers. In doing so, hopefully, we cause them to question the "realities" of animal agriculture as this company chooses to portray it.

This isn't the first campaign of its kind, nor will it be the last. But, if we are transparent, it can go a long way toward shaking the foundation upon which this was built.

If you wish to watch the video, it can be found here or can be watched below.

(c) Hoard's Dairyman Intel 2013
September 23, 2013
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