farm scene

Dairy producers were the original sustainability leaders, said Roberta Osborne of the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy during her presentation at World Dairy Expo last week. For years, agriculturalists have been feeding the world while taking care of the land and establishing conservation practices.

However, consumers are asking more and more questions about agriculture and its environmental impact. To help producers address those questions, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy created the Farm Smart program.

Farm Smart is a developing resource that integrates science with individual farm data to create an objective management system for each farm and field. A self-assessment helps farmers define their environmental footprint, which they can then use as a benchmark for future progress. It also gives them a talking point to discuss sustainability and share their farm progress with consumers, community members, regulators and stakeholders.

Why should dairy producers care about sustainability? For Dan Rice, dairy producer and CEO of Prairieland Dairy, sustainability is the ability of a farm to be there for the next generation. He also recognized that changes made to improve sustainability need to make economic sense. Through modifications implemented as a result of its participation in Farm Smart, Prairieland Dairy saves around $18,700 per year.

In closing, Rice commented that dairy producers need to continue to be leaders in sustainability or others will make decisions and regulations for the industry. "If we don't define sustainability, our customers will," he said.

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